«The biggest enemy of the Jew....the truth.»
RFK Jr. Calls Out Weak Bernie Sanders to his Face in Front of the Whole World.
The crowd erupts in applause! LFG!!
«Oh look, another greedy Jew, trying to weasel his way out of another 'Gotcha Moment'!»
«These bastards are horrible unscrupulous liars!! What a shame they are able to get away with this!»
«Scumbag hypocrite bernie communist sanders.... a real piece of shit he is!.»
«Also remember the first few mins of the California fires, I get a fuckin tweet from Bernie saying," TRUMP NEEDS TO BE SERIOUS ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE OR MORE LIVES WILL BE LOST." lol!
Bernie needs to fuck off.»
«I made a comment on SHitube about these dirty souless DemoRats about this is a war, a war of "GOOD VS EVIL" and my comment keeps getting removed. Fuck you Shittube for the censorship with Trump, COVID, Hunter, etc. We need a ticket system to punish Craptube.
Also, funny how when Trump won 90% of bot/troll comments vanished within 1-2 days that pumped out hate/lies. I believe that's called election interference.»
«americans are the stupidest, by far. any country that would put a right wing nutjob like rfk in charge of anything, is a broken one.»
«a communist that likes money,who would have known,these democrats are fake fuks.»
«Essentially Bernie is spending money the pharmaceutical companies fugged us over to get.»
«Talk loud and point, it doesn't change reality Bernie. You also look sunBerned hahaha»
These people are actors. You are responding to television. The world is controlled.»
«lol...nice try Bernie. "not a nickel from corporate PACs"..??? C'monnn Berrrrnie, you LYIN' bro.»
«Liars will lie, especially when the facts are presented.
Lie, deflect, lie again, is his mantra.»