Trump Ready to Put the Hammer Down on Canada and Mexico... They Don't want this Smoke

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Duration: 1:09 Views: 6.4K Submitted: 1 week ago Submitted by:
“We can play the game all they want. Mexico. This is retaliatory. Millions of people float into our country through Mexico and Canada, and we're not gonna allow that.”
Tags: trump tariff
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2 +1 Dr.Dip 1 week ago

«only 12 more years ya lil dim dipshits, gonna be a loooong slobber fest from the unhinged waterhead children.
entertaining 75 million voters,,,";)
lol in your flat faces.

6 +1 Captain-Kremmen 1 week ago

«Dear MAGA
How to make friends and influence trade allies
Don't bullshit them
Don't threaten them
Build ties
don't construct barriers.

P.S. this is all smoke and mirrors by Trump
He's a skilled and committed fraudster with decades of experience
You are being played by this bullshitter
He wants to appear he's doing something
But in fact he's doing nothing at all.
The illusion of control
You ignorant mugs

1 +1 Cope_libtards 1 week ago

«@Captain-Kremmen all i heard was reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee»

4 +1 Disaster40 1 week ago

«When will american people realize this guy is a clown ?»

3 +1 Cruzer420 1 week ago

«@Disaster40 He's doing EXACTLY what we voted for him to do, dismantle the corrupt system!»

2 +1 Captain-Kremmen 1 week ago

«@Cruzer420 You are hanging your hopes on a convicted fraudster
and cannot see the irony of this?!
I don't know who is worse
or those who still listen to his garbage

3 +1 Dr.Dip 1 week ago

«@Disaster40 been in a coma the last 4 yrs i take it.»

3 +1 medfoto 1 week ago

«The spineless retarded fag already caved.»

6 +1 Purger 1 week ago

«Mexico. Canada and European Union should Annex U.S.A. Their military is weak and faggio and all their people are too fat to shoot their guns in a 360 degree fashion.»

5 +1 Kschroe 1 week ago

«@Purger sounds like you got deported.»

0 +1 Dr.Dip 1 week ago

«@Kschroe caught up on his clot shots was my guess.»

0 +1 Hackintosh 1 week ago

«@Purger we would murder all those countries in 2 seconds»

0 +1 Cope_libtards 1 week ago

«@Purger lol@ sure thing, buddy.»

3 +1 Haywood Jablomi 1 week ago

«The left planning riots on Wednesday. 50 protests in 50 states. Should bring us some good content here on tww»

0 +1 Cope_libtards 1 week ago

«@Haywood Jablomi lots of pride and palestinian flags i would imagine, along with blue hairs in fetish garb.»

5 +1 dingus369 1 week ago

«Hold the line against Canada until they beg»

2 +1 Purger 1 week ago

«@dingus369 We will just have a trade war for four years and the problem will be gone forever.»

0 +1 dingus369 1 week ago

«@Purger I don't think Canada could last four years»

0 +1 Cope_libtards 1 week ago

«@dingus369 dont kid yourself.»

1 +1 Cope_libtards 1 week ago

«@dingus369 we import a lot of stuff to america, canada is quite an important ally to america.»

2 +1 Sonnyday 1 week ago

«one down, two to go»

9 +1 KMA8675309 1 week ago



6 +1 ScreaminMime 1 week ago

«Aaaaaand Mexico has already folded sending 10k troops to the boarder for a tariff, PAUSE.»

4 +1 tommix1 1 week ago

«They will all tow the line or eat corn and peanuts.»

1 +1 Purger 1 week ago

«@tommix1 We have wildlife up here to hunt you goof. Unlike your democrat wildlife that hunts you in the city streets.»

1 +1 Mic7411 1 week ago

«He probably even built the Panama Canal himself....!! Then Panama can buy it back from him.:D»

7 +1 OrangeDump 1 week ago

«the idiot gives a shit on us-citizens working in canada or mexico. Most US-products are not wanted internationally because they are bad. To increase the prices will increase inflation within weeks. Is that what MAGA-minions want ? Higher inflation, less jobs, less goods, more wars ? Maybe.»

0 +1 Pietpiraat 1 week ago

«@OrangeDump war you will get when you try to get a country within the European-Union which is part of the Russian monetary union with Russia… I would have some common sense here…»

1 +1 Kschroe 1 week ago

«@OrangeDump your breath smells like Trump dick.»

5 +1 Dr.Dip 1 week ago

«the dim backers aren't use to a leader who leads, they love their puppets.
tired of winning yet ? ? lol

11 +1 ObstGemueseSuedfruechte 1 week ago

«Instead of imposing senseless tariffs on the trading partners you depend on, you should simply learn to produce good products.
The reason why your trade deficit is so bad is simple: most of the goods are better bought in Europe, China or India.

3 +1 OrangeDump 1 week ago

«@ObstGemueseSuedfruechte USA lost its industry 30 years ago. The exported food is bad and gene-manipulated. It's just useable as animal-food.»

0 +1 dingus369 1 week ago

«@ObstGemueseSuedfruechte Maybe that is because those countries are tariffing us..?»

18 +1 Cripple 1 week ago

«He is a wake-up call to Canada and all of Central and South America.

First time around, he was learning the game.

Now he's making all the new rules for the game !!!!

Go Trump! Go USA !!!!

4 +1 OrangeDump 1 week ago

«@Cripple Infact, we (EU) has to thank him. Now we will get the products from canada and mexico we need (for a lower price). The trade-defizit will end because USA will receice less goods...»

3 +1 Purger 1 week ago

«@Cripple You have so much dogshit in your own backyard you should clean up first. Before crying about other nations. You people have guns and still can't stand on your own two feet. A bunch of try hard american pussies.»

11 +1 Captain-Kremmen 1 week ago

«Mr bankruptcy bulllshits his way into another mess
Funny how all this aggravation follows Trump around and he's never to blame right?
He's entirely to blame.
Trump is all about the illusion of control
Invent a problem, proclaim you are the only solution to the problem
numbnuts think he's a genius, anyone who knows anything about the situation sees' right through it
He talks fast and moves onto something else before he can be held accountable for it and does it all again
This man is a fraudster to the core

1 +1 Mic7411 1 week ago

«@Captain-Kremmen to the point»

8 +1 Nanker_Phelge 1 week ago

«If by 'subsidize Canada' he means the trade deficit, it's not $200 billion, it's $40 billion. Compare that to the annual $750 billion deficit worldwide (mostly to China). That's how little american products matter to the rest of the world, it imports $750 billion more than it exports. And what's with the 10% tariff on Canadian oil? The need to import Canadian crude hasn't decreased (refineries are purpose built for it), but they just raised the price they have to pay, like they're taxing themselves. "How much is that chocolate bar"? "one dollar". "Well here's a $1.10."»

14 +1 SmartOP 1 week ago

«@Nanker_Phelge Keep boohoo whine all you want... 38% of Canada GDP is export to US. And less than 3% of US to Canada. Let see which economy will have the biggest impact from tariffs. This tariff will destroy Canada.»