«Read between the lines - you send and aid terrorits to do your shit, we will fuck you up. simple
They fear him because they dont know what he is willing to do against it.»
Entire Room Of Muslim Leaders Go SILENT As Trump Reveals The TRUTH About Terrorism. Awesome Trump!
«Nice to have a president that cares and can actually put a sentence together.»
«Trump said terrorist don’t worship life they worship death. Does that mean that the people who worship La Santa Muerte are terrorists?»
«This is fake AI shit. Trump doesn't even speak like that,the dumb twat can't even string three sentences together that makes sense...»
«No, they cringe as trump reveals that he knows one eighth of fuck all about the subject matter, again. It's embarrassing.»
«That’s a real president right there.
Fuk all libtards, and you faggy punks behind the keyboard»
«He released 5000 Taliban members last time he was in office. Trump is a clown. ????»
«"He is right Abdul we should drive them out.
Quickly, organize a load of suicide bombers to drive them out
Alluah Ackbar!"»
«It's a speech. Obviously, they are silent now, but the real question is: will they take action?»
«never heard dead biden say anything like that but then again he wasn't a real leader.»
«Than NATO is terror org, how many they killed in Iraq, Libya and Syria and Afghanistan.»
«This is either from 2017 or AI generated. I've never heard Trump speak that well given his retardation level.»
«Kash money. He is a smuggler. Trump will fire him. He is a easy money mule»
«Trump wouldn't know the truth if it bit him on the arse. Neither is he godly in the slightest. He's a twat.»
«He got some nuts on him. Really starting to like the fella. He bat shit sometimes and sometimes he gets it right»
«Removed my comment? Should I have said something racist about black people instead those seem to get over looked by you limp dick fagggots
«The arab emirates were the perpetrators of 911, proven, and when Mike Papantonio tried to sue them the US govt. stepped in, not to insure fairness but to stop the proceedings on behalf of their co-conspirators knowing they would reveal the US govt. as the planners of 911 if put on trial. Just like the liberty ship incident except it was jerusalem that time.»
«He is wrong, terrorist follow the real Islam. Just read the stupid Quran and you will köpa it's only about death and taking over.»
«islam is terrorism , trump did not know about it , muslim who dont wanna kill he is not a muslim according to islam , all these people who sitting , their creation happened because of islam terror and after terror systemtic ethic cleaning every thing which is not islamic , that why they moving to west for their future islamic goal west it powerful but islam knows how hide their true faces , propaganda and lies is also part of islamic teaching , read book tareek e tabari.. islamic history book how islam occuiped kabba , sharia law book reliance of travler how islam system punish those are not muslim»
«Great speech that fell on deaf ears.
The Muslim countries have not done one thing to stop the terrorists .
But have increased their funding and numbers, all by the direction from their book, "Terrorism for Dummies, The Koran".»
«What terrifies me is if ISIS were to detonate a nuclear device and kill 50 million Americans. Imagine the backlash against peaceful Muslims?»
«WOW! The ceiling in that room!!!! The perfect lighting! The chandeliers! WOW! I'm gonna put that over my bedroom!»