Conservative strategist Steve Bannon has a Warning: "The Hunters will now become the Hunted"

:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
Duration: 0:44 Views: 10.0K Submitted: 3 weeks ago Submitted by:
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:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
1 +1 amobofone 3 weeks ago

«Looks like any other druggie»

2 +1 lancevance 3 weeks ago

«@amobofone you don't know the definition of druggie then. Look at your family photos for reference.»

1 +1 Jesus, the only way 3 weeks ago

«The US is controlled by the jews. They also control most governments worldwide through Freemasonry. Kam, Biden, Obama, Trump and company, all work for the jews. Trump and bidens children are all married to jews. Kamala is married to jew. It doesn't matter who you vote for, the jews always win. Zionists, masters of deception. The synagogue of Satan»

0 +1 lancevance 3 weeks ago

«@Jesus, the only way -paul was a liar and the new testament has more holes that Swiss cheese. Why doesn't the fsmily lineages in john and Luke match up? Cuz it was written by deceivers and romans.

If jews controll everything then why are we hated publicly? If jews have so much supernatural power like controlling the weather then why is it that there is so much anti semetism?

1 +1 3 weeks ago

«Bannon is nothing more than a butt-hurt, common jailbird.»

1 +1 NoWayInHell 3 weeks ago

«That's not what he said Sally. :angry:

His words are: the hunted are about to become the hunters.

3 +1 6Hell6Bound6 3 weeks ago

«make every single one fucking regret everything they've done. Or tried to do. Sick evil fucks.»

1 +1 BananaBoat6969 3 weeks ago

«The cunted will become the cunters :ermm:»

1 +1 dingus369 3 weeks ago

«He should have said the hunters are going to become the hunted»

8 +1 legal_alien 3 weeks ago

«purge all anti-whites :alien:»

5 +1 Haywood Jablomi 3 weeks ago

«The streets will flow with the blood of the non-believers»

3 +1 Nanker_Phelge 3 weeks ago

«Prison changes a man. Now he's even more choked.»

2 +1 phergus 3 weeks ago

«@Nanker_Phelge And you would know this how........»

2 +1 Nutmeg50 3 weeks ago

«He got it a little mixed up in the end! DO OVER!!!»

19 +1 OkieDokieSmokie2 3 weeks ago

«Get ready libcunts-you’re gonna burn»

38 +1 Hackintosh 3 weeks ago

«Hunt them all down»

3 +1 TidalWave 3 weeks ago

«Lokks like a Homeless Bum... hopefully Trump load sheds this fuck face»

17 +1 Hackintosh 3 weeks ago

«@TidalWave you made kamala lost faggot?»

0 +1 TidalWave 3 weeks ago

«@Hackintosh Damn right, I voted for Trump... lower prices and standards»

0 +1 TidalWave 3 weeks ago

«@Hackintosh Russian troll you should fight and die in Ukraine like your brothers... weak troll»

6 +1 OkieDokieSmokie2 3 weeks ago

«@TidalWave libtards should kill themselvves-nice red ALL OVER that map fuckfag boy-we’re gonna eat you»

40 +1 46HIALEAH46 3 weeks ago

«Karma is a bitch...»