«I can't blame her,....I hate American cops to. Are they all bad,....no,...but most of the assholes I've had a run in with are.»
This Lady Really Doesn't Want Cops at her Door.
«The lady should've stopped pussyfooting around, and told the cops what she really thought.»
«Bald cop behind her really wants to laugh but professionalism dictates otherwise.»
«Why are cops starting to turn into gestapo,this is getting serious,dems want this commie shit.»
«Show that video to a constitutional lawyer. That cop would be fucked. Stupid cunt»
«Imagine being married to her. Even worse, imagine having kids with her and she starts divorcing you. You think she might go ahead and take all you have?»
«When a public servent knowingly blocks a camera, it's called Prior Restraint, which is a felony.»
«Ahh... once again we see (and hear!) the pride of American womanhood.
So polite, so well spoken, so articulate. Her family must be extremely
proud of her. A true credit to society.»