«That's the 2nd seagull I ever saw get caught in that shit»
Inmate Tries to Escape From Prison.
«I remember the first time I saw concertina wire up close and personal. What in the good flapping fuk is this!!!! I always thought it was simple barbed wire like you see in farmer Johns pasture. This is not the case. AT ALL. Concertina wire is RAZORS embedded in the wire, very VERY sharp razors....like the kind you shave with....only these concertina razors have points. FRIGGIN' POINTS!! They are made to stick shit, and slice shit going in and out, and stay stuck in clothing. This phuck is going to learn a life lesson the pointed sharp way. He better hope the person recording this....is a jailer.»
«an inmate is stuck in barbed wire while some anonymous guy records with a phone?? and this is all being done at a high security prison? i call it fake»
«A buddy escaped through razor wire at the local jail. Carved a hole in his arm that bled for 3 days.»
«Actually dated someone who escaped from Pentonville prison in london. He hid behind the workshop while everyone was going inside then used a mattress someone had stored behind it, to through it over the razor wire. Through a line of bedsheet rope with a hammer tied to it for traction climbed over the mattress. Retrieved the hammer and tied it to another bedsheet rope, threw it against the top of the wall and climbed up. Climbed down the outside of the wall and was free for a short time.
There was a police convey driving past outside escorting princess anne to some socialite event. They saw him and pointed guns at him when he tried running off. He got 6 months extra on his sentence for that. Which was stupid as he was just serving 2 year sentence and would have already been out half way through it if he did not keep failing piss tests.»