«Get that Jew rat off the plane.»
Jewish Man is Removed from Airplane by Sheriff's Office (Still Looking for Info)
deadvector 4 months ago
«10 years MANDATORY prison sentence for interference on a flight. And STOP SERVING ALCOHOL, you idiots! Duh!»
Purger 10 months ago
«Antisemite carries as much weight as the word nazi or racist does nowadays.»
Swerty 10 months ago
«NEW YORK (WABC) -- Delta Airlines says they're now investigating allegations of antisemitism against one of their flight attendants.
The investigation involves a flight to LaGuardia Airport on Monday night, in which a Hassidic Jewish passenger was ordered off the plane before it took off from Florida, but witnesses say the man did nothing wrong. Funny how they never kicked muslim shits. After 9\11»