WOW: White House Released a Video of Moms whose Children were M*rdered by Illegals in response to Selena Gomez

:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
Duration: 1:27 Views: 9.9K Submitted: 1 week ago Submitted by:
BREAKING: The White House just released a video of moms whose children were m*rdered by illegals in response to Selena Gomez crying over deportations.

"What about our children who were brutally m*rdered, and r*ped, and beat to d*ath?"

"Seeing that video - it's hard to believe it's genuine and real."

"You don't know who you're 'crying' for."

"It's a rouse - to deceive people, and to garner sympathy for lawlessness."

"There's many other children whose lives were taken."

"They didn't cry for our daughters."
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:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
8 +1 RandomTruth 1 week ago

«Let this sink in. Biden and the DemoRats paid illegals to rape, murder & cause destruction. They were given free shit. Let that sink in.

Why was it done? Look up (WEF/C40 Climate Migration & EQUITY) It was planned a while back, and we were forced to sit home during the COVID outbreak while they were importing them.

Why in the fuckin world would ANY AMERICAN still support DemoRats?

1 +1 ZYXWTUVSRQ 1 week ago


I'm guessing, then, that you've got a cancelled check with the words "for illegals to rape, murder & cause destruction" written on the memo line as proof of your claim.

0 +1 lancevance 1 week ago

«@ZYXWTUVSRQ with that sentiment, where is the check for January 6 rioters. That didn't happen then. Where's the video of trump doing whatever. Didn't happen. Pix or it didnt happen is an old saying, kid. Doesn't make for an open minded society.»

0 +1 ZYXWVUTSRQ 4 days ago


The video evidence of J6 would seem to be all that's be all that's really necessary, no? I mean you could utilize any of dozens of still "pix" taken from said video, but still, the recording of the live action really brings it home I think.

Did you put a lot if thought into this gotcha reply? I would hope not....

3 +1 DrHaziHawass 1 week ago

«Propaganda. Im mot taking anyone’s side but if a person cries for something why does that person has to also cry for something else in order to validate and reinforce his initial crying? You can put up a montage of pet owners who lost their pets and ask what about crying for them too? So you have to cry for everything now? Fuck that. Fuck Selena Gomez and fuck this propagandists and fuck anybody that looks like them.»

0 +1 ZYXWVUTSRQ 1 week ago

«Who can prove these murderin', rapin' illegal aliens didn't enter this country during the Trump administration, under its' immigration policies?»

0 +1 lancevance 1 week ago

«@ZYXWVUTSRQ what fuxking immigration policies you fucking inbred. Bidennopened the fucking border and ur one brain cell says "ohhhh maybe trump did it 4 years ago, the illegals couldn't be the ssme illegals flooding in eight now"

You sound like u have to wear a helmet still.

0 +1 ZYXWVUTSRQ 4 days ago


I'll take that as a "no" then.

0 +1 Salinan 1 week ago

«so why did these stupid cunts allow their kids to roam freely into risk? fuck you whiners»

9 +1 ELSHABAH 1 week ago

«Selena Gómez doesn’t give a fuck about illegal aliens. She’s living the high life and is only virtue signaling to advance her career. Liberals are a special kind of evil.»

0 +1 cy4ka 1 week ago

«When the white house cares to waste time posting a response to a retarded celebrity you know your country is finished.»

1 +1 Skylazar 1 week ago

«And most serial killers snd murderers are still white in usa. Strange coincidence»

1 +1 Clone82 1 week ago

«@Skylazar strange coincidence? That a white country has more whites?!
Like saying most killers in africa are not white?! Duh...

3 +1 oktherebub 1 week ago

«@Skylazar what's strange is less than 13% of the pop is black but they commit 55% or more of all violent crime. Plus if they correctly classified serial killers there'd be a fuckload of black ones.

Eat shit cunt

0 +1 cy4ka 1 week ago

«@Skylazar that fire hydrant plug is still in your anus»

10 +1 Bikerholic 1 week ago

«She has a net worth of $1.3b. If Selena really care. She'll use her wealth on these illegals. But she doesn't care and she will not spend a dime of them. Shows she is faking it for clout.»

2 +1 Clone82 1 week ago

«@Bikerholic ya I said the same if she cares so much help them financially to Legally come otherwise she should stfu»

0 +1 cy4ka 1 week ago

«@Bikerholic money can't but tiktok clout bruh!»

13 +1 Motherfocker78 1 week ago

«I despise Salmonella Gomez»

0 +1 cy4ka 1 week ago

«@Motherfocker78 you should smell her fingers»

18 +1 fordmadion 1 week ago

«I hope selena gomez gets raped and murdered by a gang of illegals.»

1 +1 cy4ka 1 week ago

«@fordmadion won't happen "she" is a he but you dint hear it from me! Teeheehee! Weeee!»

5 +1 LordTorquemada 1 week ago

«How many die every day from domestic abuse and DUI drivers? Fix all that shit.»

7 +1 oktherebub 1 week ago

«@LordTorquemada Fair but at least they aren't people who had no legal right to be there to begin with.»

16 +1 usernamewasalreadytaken 1 week ago

«If you want a safe America... establish the death penalty in ALL states. It's not a cure, but it helps take out the trash.»

0 +1 cy4ka 1 week ago

«@usernamewasalreadytaken meh, I like the crematory camp idea better»

3 +1 ZYXWVUTSRQ 1 week ago

«Rocker you're a stupid cunt, just like the rest of your ilk that frequent this site.»

1 +1 Clone82 1 week ago

«@ZYXWVUTSRQ like yourself?»

0 +1 cy4ka 1 week ago

«@ZYXWVUTSRQ is zyxwvitsrq a new pronoun?»

10 +1 oktherebub 1 week ago

«Why don't you spineless fuckin worms talking shit about the mothers of dead kids start a civil war already instead of hiding behind your keyboards mouthing off like pathetic little bitches?

Oh right, you'd all be dead in less than an hour because the whole fucking lot of you combined don't have the testosterone or mettle of half a real man.
Pansy-ass brainwashed faggot scum, all of you.

5 +1 lancevance 1 week ago

«@oktherebub spoken like a true Ferguson rioter.

You want war? Why? Snowflakes are crying enough bcuz these illegals are being deported and you think a war would go smoothly?

And it wouldnt be a civil war. It would be repelling and defending against invaders and sympathizers and other idiots like urself.

Also. Don't forget. You are litterally hiding behind a keyboard talking about other people are brainwashed pansies. Ok, kid. I think ur mommy needs to restrict ur net usage.

2 +1 oktherebub 1 week ago

«@lancevance Can you even read? You inbreeds are the ones constantly whinging about how Trump is literally Hitler and how he's gonna end democracy, how terrible everything is, so why don't you do something? Otherwise shut the fuck up because all you're doing is being obnoxious little bitches.

Say what you like about me but I'm not the one being a bitter piece of shit making fun of the mothers of murdered kids.

So with that being said, go fuck yourself.

0 +1 cy4ka 1 week ago

«@oktherebub they can't Americans are too retarded»

3 +1 ZYXWVUTSRQ 1 week ago

«Produced by the Dept. of Homeland Propaganda....»

4 +1 yadayada69 1 week ago

«@ZYXWVUTSRQ You gonna have to explain your comment, it doesn't make sense.

All of these mothers have daughters that were killed by illegal immigrants...its not a conspiracy, it actually, what the fuck are you talking about?

1 +1 ZYXWVUTSRQ 1 week ago


I'm talking about the need for the Trump administration to put together this fucking propaganda to support their platform. I'm in no position to dispute the accounts of these women and I'm accepting their statements at face value. I'm criticizing Trump and his administration for using them to push their agenda. There are a host of pressing needs that dumb fuck said he would address as president. He's already reneged on at least 3 of his promises in the short time since he's been sworn in. Stick the propaganda up your ass and get shit done.

0 +1 Hackintosh 1 week ago

«@ZYXWVUTSRQ fucken retard. This has nothing to do with trump. Fuck tart»

0 +1 ZYXWVUTSRQ 1 week ago


Nothing to do with Trump dumfuck? Whose name is on the White House image at the close of the video? Stupid bitch. And stick your pejorative term for cognitively delayed people up your ass while you're at it dumbfuck. You're not as intellectually superior as you seem to think. They're playing the limited hand they're dealt as best they can. You've chosen to be an ignorant cunt

Nothing to do with Trump? Who's administration created and disseminated it you stupid fuckboi?

The video strongly implies (read: basically states) that these rapes and/or murders are the responsibility of the Biden administration due to Biden's immigration policies and that SuperTrump is now swooping in to save the day. It's fuckin' propaganda! Same bullshit dumbfuck pulled in Arlington National Cemetary last year. Prove to me that the illegal aliens that committed these violent acts didn't come to this country during Trump's term in office making them Trump's responsibility.

These bitches are low rent MAGA ass lickers. Yeah, I can empathize with them over the violent loss of a child but all that shit goes away when they decide to politicize and exploit their tragedy to further MAGA nation. Yeah, they can now piss off in my book. Would their tragedies be less devastating had their children been killed and/or raped by good ol' red-blooded American men? If I'm to believe my eyes and ears, having a child raped and/or murdered by a genuine US citizen, not that big a deal. Illegal alien, grief multiplier by 10. Fuck you very much.

I'm quite certain that there are other parents in this country that have lost children to violence perpetrated by an illegal alien. They're just possessed of the necessary level of integrity and decency to not politicize and exploit their tragedy.

1 +1 oktherebub 1 week ago

«@ZYXWVUTSRQ You're dumber than a methed out hooker»

0 +1 cy4ka 1 week ago

«@ZYXWVUTSRQ look everyone it's a new pronoun! I want to be zyxwvitsrq!»

8 +1 Saturn666 1 week ago

«May she get visited from behind by an pipe hitting nigro.»

0 +1 cy4ka 1 week ago

«@Saturn666 on livestream»

1 +1 Meanbean2013 1 week ago

«Fake news, just like school shootings amirite lol»

0 +1 Hackintosh 1 week ago

«@Meanbean2013 school shootings are 100% msm gov propaganda»

0 +1 Meanbean2013 1 week ago

«@Hackintosh lmao sure»

0 +1 cy4ka 1 week ago

«@Meanbean2013 SANDYHOOK WAS A HOAX! Infowars dot com!»

0 +1 Meanbean2013 1 week ago

«@cy4ka i know the lawyer who was originally representing the families of Uvalde kids vs the various law enforcement agencies involved. Hopefully they found someone better lol dude is an ambulance chasing turd in a bad suit»

11 +1 46HIALEAH46 1 week ago

«Poor multi millionaire entitled anti-European actress, she needs a hug...»

5 +1 TEAM America... 1 week ago

«Paid crisis actors»

11 +1 oktherebub 1 week ago

«@TEAM America... Go fucking die you utterly worthless puddle of rancid shit.»

0 +1 cy4ka 1 week ago

«@TEAM America... Beat me to it»

25 +1 Cripple 1 week ago

«Biden has the blood of innocents on his hands and will be held accountable one day.»

2 +1 Jessica-NL 1 week ago

«@Cripple No he won't..., he is at the end of the road already and will be protected until the end.»

23 +1 bigdawg1888 1 week ago

«Glade they did this video to show the libtards they can go fuck them self's dumb cuntd»

3 +1 Elzionistjew33 1 week ago

«Trump is an Israeli puppet»