«Let this sink in. Biden and the DemoRats paid illegals to rape, murder & cause destruction. They were given free shit. Let that sink in.
Why was it done? Look up (WEF/C40 Climate Migration & EQUITY) It was planned a while back, and we were forced to sit home during the COVID outbreak while they were importing them.
Why in the fuckin world would ANY AMERICAN still support DemoRats?»
WOW: White House Released a Video of Moms whose Children were M*rdered by Illegals in response to Selena Gomez
"What about our children who were brutally m*rdered, and r*ped, and beat to d*ath?"
"Seeing that video - it's hard to believe it's genuine and real."
"You don't know who you're 'crying' for."
"It's a rouse - to deceive people, and to garner sympathy for lawlessness."
"There's many other children whose lives were taken."
"They didn't cry for our daughters."
«Propaganda. Im mot taking anyone’s side but if a person cries for something why does that person has to also cry for something else in order to validate and reinforce his initial crying? You can put up a montage of pet owners who lost their pets and ask what about crying for them too? So you have to cry for everything now? Fuck that. Fuck Selena Gomez and fuck this propagandists and fuck anybody that looks like them.»
«Who can prove these murderin', rapin' illegal aliens didn't enter this country during the Trump administration, under its' immigration policies?»
«so why did these stupid cunts allow their kids to roam freely into risk? fuck you whiners»
«Selena Gómez doesn’t give a fuck about illegal aliens. She’s living the high life and is only virtue signaling to advance her career. Liberals are a special kind of evil.»
«When the white house cares to waste time posting a response to a retarded celebrity you know your country is finished.»
«And most serial killers snd murderers are still white in usa. Strange coincidence»
«She has a net worth of $1.3b. If Selena really care. She'll use her wealth on these illegals. But she doesn't care and she will not spend a dime of them. Shows she is faking it for clout.»
«How many die every day from domestic abuse and DUI drivers? Fix all that shit.»
«If you want a safe America... establish the death penalty in ALL states. It's not a cure, but it helps take out the trash.»
«Rocker you're a stupid cunt, just like the rest of your ilk that frequent this site.»
«Why don't you spineless fuckin worms talking shit about the mothers of dead kids start a civil war already instead of hiding behind your keyboards mouthing off like pathetic little bitches?
Oh right, you'd all be dead in less than an hour because the whole fucking lot of you combined don't have the testosterone or mettle of half a real man.
Pansy-ass brainwashed faggot scum, all of you.»
«Biden has the blood of innocents on his hands and will be held accountable one day.»
«Glade they did this video to show the libtards they can go fuck them self's dumb cuntd»