Already! — Trump signs an Order Blaming Biden and DEI for Flight Dangers

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Duration: 0:46 Views: 7.2K Submitted: 1 week ago Submitted by:
He is NOT playin
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:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
3 +1 ELSHABAH 1 week ago

«Trump is a great leader.»

6 +1 Hackintosh 1 week ago

«Liberals are fucke dead now. Fuck all liberal scum»

9 +1 RandomTruth 1 week ago

«Fuck you WEF, Bloomberg, DemoRats, China & media for pushing DEI.»

1 +1 OkieDokieSmokie2 1 week ago

«OP kill yourself you fucking faggot cuck»

5 +1 Pablocoo 1 week ago

«russian crypto bro finds that every problem is someone else's fault, every time...»

8 +1 Rubberdonkey 1 week ago

«@Pablocoo Yeah, you leftist pieces of shit always do. Every odumma and joe burden fuck up has been blamed on Trump.»

7 +1 watchful 1 week ago

«@Pablocoo - you are truly a moron. DEI policies mean the fat black trans dwarf gets the job, instead of the best qualified person.. grow up buddy.»

5 +1 oktherebub 1 week ago

«@Pablocoo cry more, worm»

5 +1 justace413 1 week ago

«This a joke? DEI??? LMAO ????????»

8 +1 oktherebub 1 week ago

«@justace413 Yeah it means retarded people who don't qualify for shit and probably can't spell justice get jobs they don't deserve and then proceed invariably to fuck shit up.»

7 +1 VectisMatt 1 week ago

«The cretin can sign what he likes; it's still bullshit»

3 +1 Hackintosh 1 week ago

«@VectisMatt stfu liberal baby killing pedo faggot»

3 +1 Nanker_Phelge 1 week ago

«There are two kinds of people in this world:
1) Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data,

11 +1 SmartOP 1 week ago

«@Nanker_Phelge Stop pretending to be clever. You're NOT.»

0 +1 Nanker_Phelge 1 week ago

«@SmartOP . This sentence no verb.»

7 +1 SmartOP 1 week ago

«@Nanker_Phelge And you missed the subject.»

0 +1 Cope_libtards 1 week ago

«@Nanker_Phelge pretending is a verb.»

5 +1 Cope_libtards 1 week ago

«@Nanker_Phelge Make it make sense.»

0 +1 ObstGemueseSuedfruechte 1 week ago


0 +1 ObstGemueseSuedfruechte 1 week ago

A third type of people are those who understand the meaning of the word extrapolate.
The proportion of this type is relatively small in this forum.

9 +1 SmartOP 1 week ago

«@ObstGemueseSuedfruechte And you are the few who is looking for second kind of people with this incomplete data.»

0 +1 ObstGemueseSuedfruechte 1 week ago

no, I just smile and wave

0 +1 Cope_libtards 1 week ago

«@ObstGemueseSuedfruechte there you go again.»

2 +1 oktherebub 1 week ago

2) fucking inbred retards like yourself who can't, and yet go around mouthing off pretending they're smart when all they're doing is obnoxiously proving what pathetic fucking wastes of air they are

Quit pretending to be intelligent and go back to drooling over kids and dead women, fuckin scummy goof

5 +1 tommix1 1 week ago

«Far fooks seak laddies!! All training should be at a military airbase or proving ground. More flies on the air traffic controllers poo pile is not good. And typically where DEI is practiced, candidates are rushed to the highest positions available regardless of qualifications. Left seat in a Blackhawk not surprising.»

0 +1 Nanker_Phelge 1 week ago

«@tommix1 . Training Mission was a poor choice of words but they had to dumb it down for republican voters. Every year pilots have to requalify, even experienced pilots. And the whole D.C. area is a military airbase. Andrews, Anacostia-Bolling, etc. Got it? Good.»

0 +1 Cope_libtards 1 week ago

«@Nanker_Phelge turns out it in fact was a training flight.»

16 +1 FucYew 1 week ago

«Might have been pilot error using night vision but blame it on the Dems Fuckem. DEI must DIE.»

11 +1 medfoto 1 week ago

«How many MAGA morons does it take to replace a burnt-out lightbulb?

None! Traitor Trump will tell them he fixed it and they will stand in the dark and applaud.

25 +1 Quint_Beastwood 1 week ago

«@medfoto - You are one of the biggest morons on this site.»

9 +1 cpartida 1 week ago

«Until the investigation is complete we won't know who or what caused it. The issue is that there shouldn't even BE a POSSIBILITY it was caused by DEI but there is. No job that holds you responsible for countless lives should be filled by individuals chosen for their race, religion, or sexual preference but should be chosen based on knowledge, experience, expertise and merit.»

4 +1 ivythearchive 1 week ago

«@cpartida More people are hired by nepotism more than DEI and somehow the boogeyman of DEI keeps the simpletons riled up. You're a pawn being played by those in power so you can ignore the real changes they are doing.»

5 +1 billiexXxjean 1 week ago

«Trump looks sleepy as»

0 +1 pissonit 1 week ago

«@billiexXxjean he looks like a dead piece of orange shit»

10 +1 ivythearchive 1 week ago

«The same people who believe Trump is actually fixing something are the same ones whose wives are meeting with their guy best friend who is definitely gay and not banging the hell out of her.+»

9 +1 Cope_libtards 1 week ago

«@ivythearchive trouble at hone?»

0 +1 ivythearchive 1 week ago

«@Cope_libtards No trouble at your home and you're at work. I'm just her trainer, don't worry about it.»

0 +1 Cope_libtards 1 week ago

«@ivythearchive im retired and living a good life, try again.»

0 +1 Hackintosh 1 week ago

«@ivythearchive you fucks dont even have women. Just pedo bs vids»

8 +1 OwMyBawls 1 week ago

«Tranny pilot in the helo, suicided themselves and took everyone else with them.»

0 +1 6275309 1 week ago

HE/SHE came out yesterday in public and stated .... "She's is Alive and there were no Virginia National Military on board on the Heli.

11 +1 Nanker_Phelge 1 week ago

«He looks old and weak.»

8 +1 essence25 1 week ago

«@Nanker_Phelge Wrong thread, that's Biden. Weekend at Bernie 4 years straight.»

1 +1 Hackintosh 1 week ago

«@Nanker_Phelge do you remember biden fucken tart»

10 +1 ObstGemueseSuedfruechte 1 week ago

«why do so many people believe such stupid lies?
Have so many people stopped thinking and only believe conspiracy theories and lies?
is anyone concerned that this makes no sense at all and that this decree is not a solution but just propaganda?

25 +1 SmartOP 1 week ago

«@ObstGemueseSuedfruechte You sound extremely ignorant. One place I definitely don't want to see any DEI policy is in ATCs and pilots.»

2 +1 ObstGemueseSuedfruechte 1 week ago

dei among pilots?

Can men fly a plane better than women? How can anyone come up with the idea that gender or DNA influences how well someone is suited to a certain profession?

Can anyone be more homophobic?

The president should express his sympathy for the bereaved instead of always spreading heretical, hate-filled propaganda.

23 +1 SmartOP 1 week ago

«@ObstGemueseSuedfruechte You really are completely moronic. Person's race or gender should NEVER come before qualification and merit.»

2 +1 ObstGemueseSuedfruechte 1 week ago

that is exactly what the president wants you to believe, that is exactly what happened!

20 +1 SmartOP 1 week ago

«@ObstGemueseSuedfruechte Never argue with stupid people like yourself as they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.»

19 +1 Cope_libtards 1 week ago

«@ObstGemueseSuedfruechte i dont need anyone to tell me qualifications outweigh gender or race, your statements are asinine.»

2 +1 Nanker_Phelge 1 week ago

«@SmartOP . Pretty sure all ATC personal have met the qualifications regardless of color or gender. You've fallen victim to trump's misdirection tactics as ATC had nothing to do with the crash.»

20 +1 SmartOP 1 week ago

«@Nanker_Phelge You are just as stupid as the other person. What do you not understand? I will repeat and hope you can understand. Person's race or gender should NEVER come "BEFORE" qualification and merit. FYI. FAA DEI policy under Obama "LOWERED" qualification to meet DEI policy.»

0 +1 Cope_libtards 1 week ago

«@Nanker_Phelge yes, even the person at the bottom of the class is still qualified.»

16 +1 Cope_libtards 1 week ago

«@ObstGemueseSuedfruechte you obviously have no idea of what you speak. Its not about being better at your job, its about having all the colours of the rainbow visible in any one occupation with an emphasis on white male discrimination.»

1 +1 ObstGemueseSuedfruechte 1 week ago

Do you actually realize what is happening here?

It has not even been proven that it was the air traffic controller's mistake and the president is blaming him with this decree?

But if the air traffic controller is not at fault (which is very likely given the current situation), it makes no difference whether he is white, black, male, female or diverse.
This person will feel absolutely guilty. And people like you will make him feel even worse! How unsympathetic are you??

We don't need someone to blame now, we need factual clarification and a lot of compassion for everyone involved.

This president said he would unite society. He is doing exactly the opposite!!

14 +1 SmartOP 1 week ago

«@ObstGemueseSuedfruechte When did Trump blame the ATC for the crash? "It could be" just means that, it is "possible" It is not definitive. In my opinion, ATC is 30% of the blame. The "routine" training flight by Blackhawk was out of position as it was above 200 ft. (it was flying at 300 ft.). ATC should have told the Blackhawk pilot to stay below 200. ATC asked Blackhawk pilot if he has visual of AA airplane and keep distance. This is extremely vague as there were many airplanes in the area. Another airplane just landed 1 minute before the crash and another airplane took off just 20 seconds before the crash. And yet another airplane in final approach 1 minutes after the crash. ATC should have made it very clear which airplane the Blackhawk pilot should be focused on, especially when the ATC redirected AA airplane to land on runway 33 instead 01 runway so the AA airplane was coming in from the left of Blackhawk instead of front like the previous airplane that just landed 1 minutes before the crash. When ATC saw the two aircrafts in a collision course on radar, ATC told Blackhawk pilot to go behind the AA airplane. This is also very vague direction. ATC should have told the Blackhawk pilot to go behind the AA airplane coming in at 10. And most importantly, ATC should have stayed with Blackhawk and monitored if the Blackhawk followed ATC instructions. Blackhawk never changed course. Crash was avoidable. So in my opinion, 30% ATC to blame and 70% Blackhawk pilot to blame.»

0 +1 ObstGemueseSuedfruechte 1 week ago

what you are talking about here is pure speculation, but you still assign the blame very clearly. the president's decree also assigns the blame clearly.
at this point in time, it is completely destructive!
if you blame the ATC at this point in time, that is simply stupid. if a statesman does that now, it is absolutely catastrophic and dubious. or simply Trump's populism.

and if it turns out in the end that the ATC is not to blame, then it is just fake news or the deep state again. do you notice something?

13 +1 SmartOP 1 week ago

«@ObstGemueseSuedfruechte This isn't a mystery like Malaysia MH370. There are clear facts and data documented. And it's not speculation since there are enough facts and evidence to go off of. This is MY OPINION after looking at ALL OF THE RELEASED DATA. And it's MY OPINION that ATC and Blackhawk pilot are at fault. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, then it's probably is a duck.»

0 +1 ObstGemueseSuedfruechte 1 week ago

I read that the Blackhawk pilot's field of vision was severely limited by night vision equipment. He had the information that a plane was approaching, but apparently couldn't see it. These facts are being ignored?

8 +1 SmartOP 1 week ago

«@ObstGemueseSuedfruechte No, that info was not ignored. And you just proved my point. If the pilot couldn't see the airplane or unclear about the info then it is up to the pilot to rectify the issue. Blackhawk pilot can easily remove NVG if he is having issue locating the airplane with NVG. He can also ask ATC for additional assistance. But he didn't. Regardless, Blackhawk pilot CONFIRMED he had visual of the AA airplane. Obviously, he didn't or he would have avoided the AA airplane.»

7 +1 Cope_libtards 1 week ago

«@ObstGemueseSuedfruechte shut the fuk up, if trump said it was black you and your ilk would scream it is white. Bidens policies are a joke and deserve to be poked fun at.»

0 +1 ObstGemueseSuedfruechte 1 week ago

yes, that is the typical linguistic level of MAGA

0 +1 Cope_libtards 1 week ago

«@ObstGemueseSuedfruechte derpey derp derp.»

6 +1 Cope_libtards 1 week ago

«@ObstGemueseSuedfruechte as far as him uniting AMERICAN society, thats something people like you will never allow. You probably have your nose deeper in American politics than you ever have had in your own countries.»

0 +1 ObstGemueseSuedfruechte 1 week ago

what the president is doing right now is not unification. he is stigmatizing individuals instead of taking care of the nation.

0 +1 yadayada69 1 week ago

«@ObstGemueseSuedfruechte I disagree completely, the only ones who refuse to unite are democrats. What should matter most is public policy and we should vote according to whoever has the best policies or most important. The issue is, democrats tend not to work together as well as Republicans.

That's because many of the activists in the various and diverse interest groups that comprise a big part of the democratic party, such as lgbtq, pro-choice or consumer rights lawyers etc. don't know each other and don't prioritize the same issues.

That's in contrast to Republicans who, in many places, are demographically fairly similar, believe mostly the same things, share priorities and find it comparitively easy to get in a room together, put aside minor differences and plan a path to electoral victory.

12 +1 zeegatorz 1 week ago

«Fuk tRump and all u pedo maga russian agents!»

17 +1 Doctor_Clot_Shot 1 week ago

«@zeegatorz Oooooh! Russian agents! Sounds exciting! I feel left out, can eye be a Rooskie Agent too?»

1 +1 Stemroach 1 week ago

«@Doctor_Clot_Shot No You Have To Be Older Than 12»

2 +1 Cope_libtards 1 week ago

«@Stemroach thats what you think, hollywood.»

3 +1 Cope_libtards 1 week ago

«@zeegatorz you retard.»

0 +1 zeegatorz 1 week ago

«@Cope_libtards Go back to fuking your inbred sister in your trailer Maga rat!»

2 +1 yadayada69 1 week ago

«@zeegatorz If you think MAGA people are inbreds from the south, I got some harsh truth for you...most of the country is MAGA now. Do you need a tissue?»

0 +1 Hackintosh 1 week ago

«@zeegatorz lol liberals are literally pedos faggot»

0 +1 Cope_libtards 1 week ago

«@zeegatorz you retard.»