Biden's pardon of Fauci is his worst one yet. He deserves Prison for Life.

:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
Duration: 5:14 Views: 7.0K Submitted: 3 weeks ago Submitted by:
Demand he be tried in state courts by individual state AGs

Start in Texas, Missouri or SC
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:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
0 +1 zeegatorz 3 weeks ago

«BOO HOO Maga Inbred tears.»

0 +1 Cope_libtards 2 weeks ago

«@zeegatorz nothing says"trust the science" quite like a pre-emptive presidential pardon.»

3 +1 W1zard0f0h 3 weeks ago

«Biden cannot pardon him, fauci hasn't yet been convicted of anything. He can only pardon people that have been convicted of a crime.»

4 +1 munwon 3 weeks ago

«Someone should just blow his head off on the street Luigi style»

2 +1 essence25 3 weeks ago

«This pardon can open up lawsuits since it implies wrong doing. That rat needs to go to Nuremberg to be tried.»

1 +1 AntiVaxxersAreThickAsShit 3 weeks ago

«On behalf of every sane person on earth I thank Anthony Fauci and the other heroic scientists and medical experts for the work they did battling a new and deadly virus. No one could possibly have got everything 100% correct since we were learning as we went. But without any doubt their actions saved millions of lives. Thankfully it was the anti vax loons and COVIDIOTS that were at most risk and many are now dead. Draining that swamp was at least one positive thing that came from COVID. Pure beautiful Darwinism.
To all the flat earther loons I suggest you take a basic virology course or read a child's text book. Then read the vaccine trial results, the countless peer reviewed studies and the ongoing monitoring. Stop being brainwashed by the people peddling fake alternative medicines or making millions online from their easily checkable lies. Then look up Occam's Razor.

1 +1 Doctor_Clot_Shot 3 weeks ago

«@AntiVaxxersAreThickAsShit obviously u didn't look up anything. Corrupt senile Fauci was in charge of a huge pile of govt. cash to be doled out to his corrupt pals for "research". Fauci was in from the start on the weaponizing of the virus. I listened to Fauci's responses when some intelligent Senator grilled him on a number of items. Faucifux answers showed his senility and stupidity.»

0 +1 Captain-Kremmen 3 weeks ago

«@Doctor_Clot_Shot bullllllllshiiiiiiiiittttttttt»

0 +1 Cope_libtards 2 weeks ago

«@AntiVaxxersAreThickAsShit if you want the shot, get it.
If you dont want it, dont get it.
Call it population control.

3 +1 Jasondr91 3 weeks ago

«This POS better be happy. He's a con artist and belongs behind bars.»

6 +1 lordzedd 3 weeks ago

«A pardon should not be issued until after conviction, and it should be for a specified crime. Blanket "preemptive" pardons are unconstitutional.»

3 +1 radioedit 3 weeks ago

«Put him in front of congress and under oath. If he lies then that is a new crime.»

7 +1 Doctor_Clot_Shot 3 weeks ago

«Fauci is one Evil nasty lying sack of shit! He only told ONE truth, very early in the scamdemic. He said masks are useless and not to bother wearing them. Then his puppet masters yanked his strings hard and he told their lies from then on.»

1 +1 Pablocoo 3 weeks ago

«Half the fat useless tards that visit this website, literally owe their existence to this man. They are turkeys voting for Christmas. The stupidest of all.»

0 +1 essence25 3 weeks ago

«@Pablocoo In that case you should celebrate, you made it!»

0 +1 Doctor_Clot_Shot 3 weeks ago

«@Pablocoo Fauci was in control of weaponizing the virus from the start.»

9 +1 DamnPeople 3 weeks ago

«We all know who the gang members are now. The Biden crime familly will go down as the biggest political crime familly in U.S. political history. The only funny thing is it self destructed in record time.»

1 +1 Pablocoo 3 weeks ago

«@DamnPeople What was the previous record?»

3 +1 ScreaminMime 3 weeks ago

«That only exempts him from US prosecution, his policies affected many countries.»

15 +1 OneTrickPony 3 weeks ago

«We need public executions for corrupt government officials and guys like Fauci.

Do not pass go, do not collect $200, no get out of jail free card, no immunity, no appeals, immediate execution.

2 +1 Lt Aldo Raine 3 weeks ago

«@OneTrickPony public stoning»

26 +1 fordmadion 3 weeks ago

«absolute putrid insect trash.»

4 +1 VectisMatt 3 weeks ago

«He saved lives. Cretins.»

12 +1 landofwarriors22 3 weeks ago

«@VectisMatt He saved lives of other parasites like himself.»

9 +1 Smackapoon 3 weeks ago

«@VectisMatt No, he advocated for harmful measures»

2 +1 Nanker_Phelge 3 weeks ago

«Fauci was a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force established in late January 2020, under President Donald Trump, to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.»

5 +1 ivythearchive 3 weeks ago

«@Nanker_Phelge People can google you know. Mike Pence was the Chair of White House Coronavirus Task Force established Jan 2020. While Trump was president. Biden didn't become president until Jan 2021. I can't believe people are this dumb.»

8 +1 landofwarriors22 3 weeks ago

«@ivythearchive Trump appointed him thinking he is a good human...why Biden kept him all along and now pardon the little demon rat?
I do believe you are that dumb

19 +1 Lt Aldo Raine 3 weeks ago

«I didn't need any jab's or wear mask's, my bullshit detector kept me safe.»

0 +1 Nanker_Phelge 3 weeks ago

«@Lt Aldo Raine . You're saying you never wore a mask? Stayed in your parents basement through the whole pandemic? Cunning strategy.»

1 +1 Lt Aldo Raine 3 weeks ago

«@Nanker_Phelge what would that achieved»

0 +1 Doctor_Clot_Shot 3 weeks ago

«@Lt Aldo Raine my BS detector activated so hard it bent the needle. Never wore a mask from day 1 of the FAKE virus scam. They tried to rename the flu. PURE BS. N.Y. city set up thousands of "overflow" medical costs in stadiums & brought in a hospital ship for "overfow" patients. After the failed academic was over, back page of the news admitted that NONE OF THE "OVERFLOW" SPACE WAS USED. NOT ONE SINGLE COT!!!!!! That's more proof than anything it was all a hoax.»

5 +1 ivythearchive 3 weeks ago

«How do u guys blame Fauci when he was working for Trump when all this stuff was going down. Everything you hate happened when Trump was president and he is innocent in your eyes no matter what.»

23 +1 SmartOP 3 weeks ago

«@ivythearchive You are a complete ignorant Idiot. Fauci lied to Trump, Congress, and American people to protect himself and his interest. And NO, he did more damage under Biden.»

1 +1 ivythearchive 3 weeks ago

«@SmartOP Not everything you read is true. What interest does interest does Fauci have over the billionaires you listen to spewing things so you can swallow their loads.»

16 +1 SmartOP 3 weeks ago

«@ivythearchive You truly are a complete moron. You just contradicted yourself. Fauci pushed propaganda and censorship that benefited the billionaires. NIH receives royalties from pharmaceutical companies and Chinese entities. Fauci is among many government whitecoats who took these royalties. Educate yourself and do some research on what Fauci knew about gain of function research and how he tried to divert to false narrative to cover up that cost many lives. And go right ahead and swallow his load as you seemed to enjoy that.»

4 +1 Mark_ey 3 weeks ago

«well Trump the conman just had dinner with Bill Gates the guy behind the whole thing so what difference does it make»

8 +1 tommix1 3 weeks ago

«The little cunt hasn't been tried or charged yet so it aint happening. He will pay by hook or by crook. No such thing as a pre pardon even in dem douche world.»

20 +1 KMA8675309 3 weeks ago

«Pre-Pardon? Him, the J6 "committee", his family members? ALL should be in prison!»

14 +1 ELSHABAH 3 weeks ago

«Just slimy democrats doing what the do best. And their gullible libtards will fall inline with their heads in the sand.»

17 +1 phergus 3 weeks ago

«The insanity of creating pardons for crimes not yet announced or put on paper in an indictment. yOU HAVE TO KNOW NOW THEY ARE ALL GUILTY AS SIN ITSELF TO GET THESE PRE INDICTMENT BLANKET PARDONS. wHAT AMAZING CORRUPTION O FTHE LEFT.»

24 +1 Dr.Dip 3 weeks ago

«lil shit made money off of millions of deaths. brain dead biden traitor - in chief»

0 +1 Nanker_Phelge 3 weeks ago

«@Dr.Dip . any proof?»

1 +1 Dr.Dip 3 weeks ago

«@Nanker_Phelge biden being brain dead ? you couldn't see it for four long yrs. proof was watching the moron speak.»

1 +1 Doctor_Clot_Shot 3 weeks ago

«@DrDip millions of deaths? Just the usual number that the "flu" kills . Odd how NOBODY got the flu during the scamdemic.»

0 +1 Dr.Dip 3 weeks ago

«@Doctor_Clot_Shot yep»

23 +1 Sbarllush 3 weeks ago

«a scam, a fraud:getlost::getlost::getlost:»

31 +1 RandomTruth 3 weeks ago

«Looking at the D emocrats defending this. You make me fuckin sick. The evidence is out there that F auci, O bama, L ugar, N IH, M etabiota, H unter, G ates, C hina are clearly guilty. Please do your research and stop watching garbage MSM. How can you defend evil people that are a d anger to human life, which I guarantee affected your life negatively? I don't get it, these evil elites are k illing people around the world.

There are discussions that have more than one path that are worth arguing about. Most discussions have PROS and CONS. There are excuses I can understand even though I don't agree with. THIS IS DIFFERENT.
I used to be the most laziest fuck when it came to politics, but everything changed when I saw patterns and how evil affects all of us unless you are rich and lock yourself in your home. Sooner or later shit will affect you, your family, friends and neighbors.

10 +1 LiveLockAndLoad 3 weeks ago

«Can Trump not undo any of it?»

1 +1 Nanker_Phelge 3 weeks ago

«@LiveLockAndLoad . He's busy treasonous thugs who stormed the nation's capital under his direction.»

1 +1 Nanker_Phelge 3 weeks ago

«@Nanker_Phelge *pardoning»

5 +1 RandomTruth 3 weeks ago

«Damn, you beat me to this story ha ha.»

2 +1 zeegatorz 3 weeks ago

«Boo Hooo, cry more MAGA scum russian agents!»

13 +1 RandomTruth 3 weeks ago

«@zeegatorz Get some new material.»

7 +1 LiveLockAndLoad 3 weeks ago

«@RandomTruth Its a bot account mate. Don't engage»

6 +1 phergus 3 weeks ago

«@zeegatorz Boo Hoo sob more and suck dick briben bitler bootlickers !.»

20 +1 Cripple 3 weeks ago

«I can understand why he did what he did and said at first because it was something we had not encountered in very recent history and he was under pressure to try to "quell" any hysteria that would result if we all knew the truth.

BUT !!!

When it was proven totally 100% false and he LIED, bowing to his own ego and self-esteem of how important he thought he was, he deserves to be stripped of everything he owns, especially his freedom, for life.

I myself think the death penalty is warranted as he is the one mainly responsible for millions of deaths. Not just COVID deaths, but deaths due to pushing a mandate that required people to be injected with a non-vaccine that ruined the physical hearts of both young and old.

30 +1 46HIALEAH46 3 weeks ago

«China is so happy that their puppet, Job Biden, is keeping their covid puppet, Comrade Fauci from being held accountable...»