«I'm not angry with her for playing the bait-takers, I'm angry with the airheads that voted her into office.»
AOC Having a Meltdown calls Trump a "R*pist"
«Thank God for sickle cell......
-Animal Mother, "Full Metal Jacket; 1986»
«THIS arsehat is the epitamy of WHY Trump is there now.
Not leadership quality at all.
just a loudmouthed gypsy»
«I hears AOC took out a map of the galaxy trying to find Planet Fitness»
«Not sure who is more idiotic HER or the fucking assclowns who keep voting for her. I can only hope its rigged elections that explain why she is still in office! NO ONE CAN BE THIS FUCKING STUPID!»
«And not a single fuck was given that day.
Btw... who the fuck is this hag?»
«Dumb cunt. Trump was never convicted of rape and was a civil suit, funny how the trauma went away once the check cashed.»
«This p.o.s. rambling gargoyle needs a guillotine! She makes me wanna barf.»
«but who the fuck is this idiot...anyway nobody gives a shit about what he says...pure personal opinion...so useless!!!»
«Anyone that thinks trump ISN’T a rapist is a fucking retarded, gullible simpleton, so, most of you.»
«NYC hates you girl., you think a rapist can be president of this great America? You a dumb puppet.»
«The smartest person in New York, the all knowing bartender, the POS-AOC...»
«no one cares what this dim wad thinks . the next 4 yrs watching their melt down will be glorious.
don't like it the door opens both ways.»
«And Trump is going to get all your money for calling him that you dumb BITCH.»
«Why doesn't it have a penis in it's mouth? I though America was being made great again?»
«Unless it's creepy Joe and showers with his preteen daughter is what you are into»