«Every time I see Kamala, I can't help but think about the damaged self-esteem, of those who voted for her.»
Broad Daylight and Kamala is Totally Wasted....
«You have to be really really really fuckin stupid to support her.
It makes me really sick, knowing there are people really dumb/evil that walk on this planet. I would love to sit down and interview them. Blows my fucking mind how some of these minds operate.»
«It's funny, but even when Kamala's having an off day, she still
makes a lot more sense than Trump. Which—let's face it—is
not all that difficult compared to a man with a double-digit IQ.
«She just oozes bullshit. We are so lucky to not have that clown in office.»
«She doesn't look wasted at all you fucking magat. Whoever posted this was wasted.»
«the world is still laughing at the fact that this thing was running for president,I know lot's of people that would be better than this,the democrats have no normal people in their party and it's becoming more obvious every day.»
«we survived 4 yrs of these clueless clowns and Dr Jill running the freak show. hurry up jan 20th .»
«In 100 years no one will believe that cyunt was even in the white house. Word salad with bourbon dressing.»
«a senile old coot and a washed out commiefornia drunk ran the show for 4 yrs. F jill .
wakey wakey or lose it all.»
«We can all forget about this nasty, pathetic, gross skank now. It's over. We won. All done. No more.»
«Barry and Mike Obama are in need of a new house girl, and she would fit right in at the Obama compound in Hawaii...»
«I don't give a flying f*ck about you fools who buy into all this political clickbait sh!t, but keep this crap away from here, this is the last sanctuary. Btw, your elections are over.»