Savage moments of Bondi vs Democrats ( edited with crowd reaction)

:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
Duration: 2:06 Views: 8.0K Submitted: 3 weeks ago Submitted by:
Democrats panicking about Liz Cheney being investigated and other corrupted officials.
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:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
7 +1 fordmadion 3 weeks ago

«if you think of a person you hope your son doesn't look like this is the freak that comes to mind,what an absolute failure of a femine man.»

2 +1 ELSHABAH 3 weeks ago

«Oh the horror. She wants to keep politics out of the justice system.»

0 +1 nleeklee 3 weeks ago

«trump: vote for me! i'll do what is best!
trump.. puts women in positions of authority.
yeah.. thanks a lot trump.

0 +1 nleeklee 3 weeks ago

«women in power is satanic. no matter who the woman is. this is an axiom.»

1 +1 cy4ka 3 weeks ago

«She sounds vaxed»

0 +1 426stm 3 weeks ago

«Come out of the closet, Pam LOL»

14 +1 Bigsir 3 weeks ago

«Bondi is a BEAST! She wrecked those morons, you know why they were asking if she was going to run the office within the constitution fairly and with out bias? Because they didn't, they in fact weaponized it, and now they are afraid of what can be done to them with the power. I love watching them butt pucker. Sweet mother Justice just grabbed the belt and now azzes are gonna get chapped. :devil: :devil: :devil: :D :D :woot:»

3 +1 RandomTruth 3 weeks ago

«@Bigsir Well said. The dirty Democrats had it easy, and they are terrified of being exposed.»

8 +1 jdrews 3 weeks ago

«And that's why he is called Adam Schit.»

2 +1 Wavemak3r 3 weeks ago

«Pam Blondi is a SLUT»

13 +1 cy4ka 3 weeks ago

«@Wavemak3r good one, all you fems have left is ad hominem attacks from your loser corner. Get aids!»

12 +1 RandomTruth 3 weeks ago

«@Wavemak3r Typical Democrat insult. A real slut would be Harris. This includes AOC and Nadler.»

9 +1 1Connman 3 weeks ago

«I'm gonna need more Pam Bondi content! :devil:»

1 +1 cy4ka 3 weeks ago

«@1Connman what's her OF?»

4 +1 RandomTruth 3 weeks ago

«@1Connman She's kinda hot. It's confusing though she looks like she is either 25 or 45»

13 +1 blmscam1 3 weeks ago

«Adam Shit head should be on a spike»

12 +1 46HIALEAH46 3 weeks ago

«The transsexual man/woman with the blue tie took a beat-down from the well spoken and educated woman... America, you so lucky to have removed some of the communist-socialist, for now. The are still there lurking in the shadows and in plane site...»

1 +1 cy4ka 3 weeks ago

«@46HIALEAH46 not for long, I heard Jan 21 the zyklonB vans and cattle cars roll out.»

3 +1 46HIALEAH46 3 weeks ago

«@cy4ka We will be waiting for BBC to broadcast this... I will have to buy some additional popcorn too...»

9 +1 Dr.Dip 3 weeks ago

«how are these dim scumbag still anywhere near our politics.
schiff should be in Levenworth.

2 +1 RandomTruth 3 weeks ago

«@Dr.Dip They are heavily funded by Obama, Soros, Hillary, China, WEF & WHO.»

11 +1 legal_alien 3 weeks ago

«payback time :alien:»

1 +1 Pablocoo 3 weeks ago

«Your nation is in trouble if this is the calibre of person that your seeking to put in any position of responsibility»

8 +1 cy4ka 3 weeks ago

«@Pablocoo yea that guy is a commie retard she is decimating with her logic and wisdom .»

4 +1 RandomTruth 3 weeks ago

«@Pablocoo You should look up Liz Cheney destroying J6 video's and made someone lie under oath. Recent video of that person dumping all the details. Cheney is seriously in big trouble. Cheney and Pelosi and her daughter are in serious trouble. It's going to get way more interesting in the coming weeks.

I admit when I'm wrong, but I overlooked Cheney. Cheney can see real jail time due to forming a new committee, and she has no immunity since you can't jump from one position to another.

3 +1 fordmadion 3 weeks ago

«@Pablocoo remember the weirdo's biden put into positions,you are fuked in the head.»

13 +1 tommix1 3 weeks ago

«Schiff for brains. Liz Cheney needs a lot of special consideration, she probably did that Lincoln thing too.»

0 +1 cy4ka 3 weeks ago

«@tommix1 she shot jfk»

1 +1 RandomTruth 3 weeks ago

«@tommix1 What's funny is that Schiff was exposed a while back claiming he lived in Cali, but he lied when he registered to be a politician.»

17 +1 Sweetums 3 weeks ago

«My pants just got tighter. And, it ain't 'cause I also shit myself. (Unrelated)»

29 +1 nipplehair 3 weeks ago

«schiff is a bobble head freak and is the worst kind of person,look's like a corrupt pedophile and the producer of a child porn site.»

7 +1 RandomTruth 3 weeks ago

«@nipplehair Those eyes are creepy just like AOC.»

7 +1 fordmadion 3 weeks ago

«@RandomTruth they are just the worst type of people,you know high school wasn't pleasant for them.»

23 +1 dingus369 3 weeks ago

«Time for all the dumbocrats to be rounded up and face the wall»