«Muslims are masters of propaganda and spin. There’s no evidence that any of this happened, and if it did, it was because that’s the only thing these savages understand.»
Syrian Regime's Execution Chamber Presser after Prisoners were Tied up
«That trash compactor is capable of killing 100 people per day. They were at it non stop for 2 years. Meaning 11 million people were killed in that camp. It all adds up, work it out for yourself.
People not taking 20 seconds to do a simple sum worked well for one group. No reason it would not work for another.»
«That is just the TRASH compactor AKA the Muslim jihadist compactor. Don't believe the hype. The animals that took Syria over are literally the Syrian version of the Taliban»
«And not one spot of blood on the so called Execution Press. Those Mudslums are known for their cleanliness.»
«Doesn't matter. These Islamists taking over Syria are going to retool these instruments of death and continue the operation without skipping a beat»