«The demonrat party deep swamp of dirty tricks. Corruption so pervasive only democrats would support it...and blindly do so !.»
Marc Andreessen Tells Rogan that the Democrat Regime De-Banked 30 Tech Founders for Not Conforming to Censorship Rules
) dives into secret debanking of tech founders, AI control plans, and remote workers gaming the system.
Nothing was off limits, from food policy to Silicon Valley's civil war.
«Joe Rogan has to be one of the most ignorant people on the planet.
I'm guessing his head hit the canvas once too often. He's so gullible
that he believes ever conspiracy theory out there, and gives air time
to some of the US's biggest losers and bullshitters of the era.»
«Americas next civil war will be a war of information and political influence. Control of currency and information will be the new weapons.»
«I'm already preparing for a fucking war after Trumps 4 years are up, because you know these fucking Democrats/ Jews, are going to go right back to trying to turn our countries into one giant fucking Communist state, were you will eventually be lining up behind a couple hundred people for 6 hours, just to get a loaf of bread, just like the Soviet Union.»