«This could well be happening in Trump's America
in the next four years. Murder and mayhem on
the streets of every state capitol. RIP USA.»
Even Sweden Outraged at Illegal who Strangled a 91 Year Old Woman for her Necklace
Duration: 0:36 Views: 4.8K Submitted: 3 weeks ago Submitted by:
Swedes are outraged by a new video showing the 26-year-old Syrian asylum seeker Karam Kanjo robbing a 91-year-old Swedish woman of the necklace she was gifted by her husband 50 years ago.
Kanjo was out on probation after having attacked a woman on the street and raped her
Kanjo was out on probation after having attacked a woman on the street and raped her
Categories: Crime & Lawlessness
half.wombat.4444@maildrop.cc 2 weeks ago
LiveLockAndLoad 3 weeks ago
«If you live in a big city pretty much anywhere in Europe or U.S be very careful at night. I'm in a small city and witnessed over 100 Africans coming down from the train station this morning. Its becoming a weekly event. No attacks here as of yet but i reckon at this rate it's coming soon.»
ChocolateMilk 3 weeks ago
«Insert the 'jewish laugh' video sound at the end and this video would be perfect.»
46HIALEAH46 3 weeks ago
«More reason the EU needs to follow Mr Trump's polices, round them all up... But the EU pantie-waste wanters are too woke, and they are funding Europe's demise...»