«Poisoned minds, parents to blame.»
Shows Where The Divide Is Coming From
«Study Results: Democrats/Gullibles are underdeveloped, face, body and mind. Quite amazing to closely observe.»
«BLAME THOSE "PARENTS". They are terrible parents. Why? Because they teach them to hate people who are different. The future of this country will NOT be taught the basic principles this country was founded on. That's for certain. This proves it right here.»
«donald trump isn't hitler, kiddo.. now, you need to learn something you don't know.. donald mfkg j trump is a rap superstar.. now can you dig that, kiddo..»
«That black boy was retard, the gay hair boy was gay, the normal child was the only one that even seemed near logical.»
«Notice the dem kids were gay or black and sounded a lot more uneducated for sure.»
«You democrats are distinguished crowd: blue headed lesbians, trannies, phaggots, abortions, ANTIFA, BLM, Marxism, Communism, special interest, affirmative action, welfare, DEI, social programs. All of the productive things that make this country great.»
«Just shows the indoctrination of lieberlaism is extreme ...and hate filled. Republican parents raise more open minded and fair minded children. FACT.»
«Can't help but notice the Right-leaning kids are much more articulate.»
«If I’m not mistaken, republic and democratic is bullshit. It’s all puppet work. I hate the fact that little kids get brain washed to politics. People have to understand that we are all humans and these wealthy people are at the end of the day flesh and bones. Wake up people.»
«there you have it. Trump is Hitler. even kids say it so it must be true. I love it when is see educated children with a good and unbiased knowledge of history and geopolitics»
«Some smart Democratic parents. Well behaved Dem. kids. Bye bye Trump you fucking fake pussy.»
«Come on where is al the blood the screaming and the fun? Go put this shit on fb and upload some gore this is making me sick. You guys are ruining theworldwatch»