What's this Street Vendor in Haiti Cooking? What Could it be? What Could it be?

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Duration: 0:59 Views: 45K Submitted: 3 weeks ago Submitted by:
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3 +1 Topper1975 3 weeks ago

«Who the f cares, it's Haiti not merica»

3 +1 Numiah 3 weeks ago

«Cooking on a garbage dump. How to get diarrhea 2.0»

4 +1 Maydee 3 weeks ago

«Maybe her husband hhhhh»

0 +1 michaelsmith007 3 weeks ago

«Never tried the little tiger.»

15 +1 Chikatelo 3 weeks ago

«The entire populations of Haiti, Palestine, Venezuela, Cuba, Jamaica, Congo, Somalia should be exterminated. And i promise the world will be a better place.»

6 +1 TidalWave 3 weeks ago

«Springfiled OH must be liberated NOW»

3 +1 Motherfocker78 3 weeks ago

«How do you like your cat cooked?
Uh .. over easy

6 +1 jdrews 3 weeks ago

«MY CATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!»

41 +1 TidalWave 3 weeks ago

«That's Detroit»

14 +1 Rubberdonkey 3 weeks ago

«Is it just me or does anyone else think they look like aborted fetuses?»

3 +1 Smores69 3 weeks ago

«Looks like ol koknballz»

13 +1 fordmadion 3 weeks ago

«Cats seasoned with poop and a dash of flea eggs.»

4 +1 KillerManJaro 3 weeks ago

«Anything that moves bi-pedal or not»

1 +1 T. Colgan 3 weeks ago


19 +1 Nutmeg50 3 weeks ago


1 +1 Rickkless 3 weeks ago

«@Nutmeg50 Haiti looks cleaner than Red States in the U. S. with dirty toxic water coming from the faucets. Garbage as tall as Mount Everest. Oil spills and toxic wastes from chemical plants. Toxic air with lots of people in the U. S. suffering from asthma.»

7 +1 kansaiking 3 weeks ago

«@Rickkless red states huh.....loser»

0 +1 Bigjimmy299 3 weeks ago

«@Rickkless your a fuckin retard»

0 +1 Bigjimmy299 3 weeks ago

«@Bigjimmy299 you're **»

5 +1 2old2die-original 3 weeks ago

«@Nutmeg50 if u start raking the shit up the whole neighborhood will disappear»

15 +1 medfoto 3 weeks ago

«Those are aborted full-term American babies.»

1 +1 raagulan.rr 3 weeks ago

«@medfoto American women love animals but hate babies. Killing innocent babies is Womens Rights. A victory for women, indeed.»

9 +1 phergus 3 weeks ago

«Chunks of her neighbors ?.»

2 +1 watchful 3 weeks ago

«well prepared rat is actually excellent»

9 +1 ChocolateMilk 3 weeks ago

«What would the world look like without lucifers chosen people's? Without their banking cartel, it's military industrial complex, and all of their other ruling entities in practically all other aspects of modern society. I'm sure this place probably looked nice once.»

1 +1 Rickkless 3 weeks ago

«@ChocolateMilk Lucifer chosen people where known to be blue eyed devils. Lucifer is known to have the most intense blue eyes. It's not a coincident in Game of Thrones White Walkers are Lucifer soldiers with bright blue eyes. Go look in Lucifer's history. The kingdom of Lucifer are blue eye dead walkers.»

4 +1 Captain Pettibone 3 weeks ago

«@Rickkless there is nothing in your comment that is remotely resembling a fact or even a rational statement. Please just stop commenting if this is a regular thing for you.»

5 +1 Salinan 3 weeks ago

«must be duck or cat»

4 +1 Rickkless 3 weeks ago

«@Salinan That's funny. Because most Haitians are not meat eaters. In fact the story of the women eating a cat was a white American MAGA Republican woman in Ohio. Haitians were talking about how white people are weird eating possum to squirrels. The white supremacist didn't like what Haitian were saying. So they push out a fake story on Facebook about Haitians eating cats and dogs. Remember, Republicans are about reflections. If Republicans do anything vile. Quickly blame someone else until the story is believed or go away. You know like Jan 6th. Republicans have no morals so they can lie even if they know the truth.»

22 +1 Essohbe 3 weeks ago

«Going to be hilarious when USA looks like this burning trash heap.»

8 +1 phergus 3 weeks ago

«@Essohbe Its coming sooner than later if demoNazis steal the govt again...»

1 +1 Rickkless 3 weeks ago

«@Essohbe Black American will save America from the blue eye devils»

0 +1 Bigjimmy299 3 weeks ago

«@Essohbe well, if we could keep the third world shitheads out it wouldn't....»

5 +1 half.wombat.4444@maildrop.cc 3 weeks ago

«Some type of large bird. Wild bush turkey maybe?»

2 +1 phergus 3 weeks ago

«@half.wombat.4444@maildrop.cc etheopian chicken ?...nope it's her neighbors missing kid.»

16 +1 Smokinj 3 weeks ago

«Maga retards. Hit them with a shovel, repeatedly.»

4 +1 phergus 3 weeks ago

«@Smokinj Wont have to get violent with the likes of you kumswallah suckers...cause the haitians will have eaten you by then.»

3 +1 ScottNW63 3 weeks ago

«@Smokinj Hey Lib DIPSHIT!... While the Left Media is laughing at Trump for saying the Haitians are 'eating pets'....here we have videos and citizens claiming that very thing. Wake the FUCK up! Oh wait, you are a liberal...you have a mental disorder...my condolences to your parents.»

2 +1 ScottNW63 3 weeks ago

«@ScottNW63 Btw, when I say 'here' I refer to the videos of police reports you can find on sites like this. These are fucks from 3rd world countries in our neighborhoods doing what they do... living like they are still in their 3rd world shit hole country.»

6 +1 Worldwatcher 3 weeks ago

«That's not even Haiti smh :wassat:»

9 +1 smokethewoke 3 weeks ago

«@Worldwatcher how can you differentiate one shithole from another from that? ' buulshit, Mr. han man!'»

2 +1 Worldwatcher 3 weeks ago

«@smokethewoke With education and your eyes»

1 +1 smokethewoke 3 weeks ago

«@Worldwatcher where is it, enlightened one?»

10 +1 Viletree 3 weeks ago

«@Worldwatcher is it Ohio?»

9 +1 Essohbe 3 weeks ago

«@Worldwatcher looks like Philly»

3 +1 phergus 3 weeks ago

«@Essohbe Correction Philthydelphia.....»

2 +1 Viletree 3 weeks ago

«@phergus it might me Shitcago.»

2 +1 Viletree 3 weeks ago

«@phergus it could also be Poo York City.»

8 +1 Quint_Beastwood 3 weeks ago

«@Worldwatcher - Yeah, its not Haiti, its any liberal cesspool city.»

5 +1 DerHenker 3 weeks ago

«in almost any other country, i wouldn't even think about whether it was human flesh. But this is Haiti... Cannibalism is not seen quite so narrowly there. But I think it would be the first time I've seen human flesh being sold on a stall. But damn, that looks really tasty. If that's an animal, I'd love to grab a piece right away.»

8 +1 DonaldDraper 3 weeks ago

«@DerHenker For some reason, it always happens in countries with black population.»

1 +1 smokethewoke 3 weeks ago

«@DonaldDraper it will click, eventually»

21 +1 CheeseyVaginas 3 weeks ago

«I love district 9 :woot:»

0 +1 OwMyBawls 3 weeks ago

«@CheeseyVaginas don’t get too close, or you might turn into one of those filthy, ugly illegal alien prawns..»

50 +1 MrRenfield 3 weeks ago

«This is an educational video for African Americans who might wonder what life would be like without us.»

2 +1 Worldwatcher 3 weeks ago

«@MrRenfield So delusional ????»

11 +1 smokethewoke 3 weeks ago

«@MrRenfield historically, there would be no wheel and no sailed boats. the europeans brought them to africa, before they were in canoes and dragging shit»

2 +1 prince of trolls 3 weeks ago

«@MrRenfield lolz»

8 +1 ScottNW63 3 weeks ago

«@MrRenfield Agreed. Unfortunately, they are educated into thinking they were hunted down and captured by the blue-eyed devil. In reality, they were subjugated by THEIR own people....you know, the true KINGZ and sheet.»

7 +1 LordTorquemada 3 weeks ago

«No hot sauce?»