Don't Particularly like to Post School Fights but this one is Good.

:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
Duration: 1:10 Views: 9.8K Submitted: 4 weeks ago Submitted by:
Really wish they would have let them battle it out a bit longer, I think the white dude would have gotten him
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:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
7 +1 phergus 4 weeks ago

«Skinny black punk got owned»

3 +1 Twist_Of_Cain 4 weeks ago

«So thats why you wanted it to finish, fucking loser, ..., have you ever really hurt somebody?, doesn't feel good, actually feel really stupid not solving a problem with our most superior weapon, putting your body at risk at all is what a dumb animal does»

3 +1 billiexXxjean 4 weeks ago

«We need to see some titties flying everywhere during the fight»

0 +1 Essohbe 4 weeks ago

«GAYtway GAYtors»

2 +1 LonnLW 4 weeks ago

«Na, na.. this wasn't over yet..»

8 +1 Clitty 4 weeks ago

«This was not a good fight!!!!!»

19 +1 Fictionworthy 4 weeks ago

«People who try to hold you back during a fight deserve to get their heads kicked in to. So many times people get held then hit by the other fighter who isn’t being restrained.»

11 +1 LFLePageIII 4 weeks ago

«With no fucking teachers around , the lighter guy was on the verge of stomping the fuck out of that skinny piece of shit !»

4 +1 JesusHasYourBack 4 weeks ago

«U know when I played hs football, the coaches had a deal whenever two players on the team couldn't work it out peacefully. They brought us out to the practice field which was secluded and away from visuals of the school or any bystander and they'd let the two of them fight until it was decided.

Many became close friends after that, and far better teammates no matter what, or they'd get humiliated and quit the team altogether. Those were the choices: When words fail, you can work it out with your fists, but then one way or another it's all done, we move on. Times were so much better then.

0 +1 dingus369 4 weeks ago

«@JesusHasYourBack That is toxic masculinity in today's Bizzaro world»

3 +1 JesusHasYourBack 4 weeks ago

«@dingus369 toxic masculinity? Got it. You're part of the problem.»

1 +1 Clitty 4 weeks ago

«@JesusHasYourBack exactly the way we did it, we had a boxing ring and kids that hated each other fought until one won. Best way to stamp it out or we all become like women and hold grudges never letting shit go!!!! Pussy as people to worried about getting hurt these days to do this anymore»

2 +1 RJTheHorrorFan 4 weeks ago

«@JesusHasYourBack Fighting is toxic masculinity? No, toxic masculinity is the one who comes back to shoot the place up. Would you rather have guys take out their issues with fists or weapons? Because those are your ONLY choices. Either fight it out and 98% of the time live another day, or don't fight, hold grudges and it escalates. Don't be stupid.»

1 +1 RJTheHorrorFan 4 weeks ago

«@RJTheHorrorFan Btw, my response wasn't to anybody in particular. We all agree on the same thing. I was just stating my piece.»

6 +1 nipplehair 4 weeks ago

«Let them at it.»

2 +1 4 weeks ago

«First FAIR school fight I've seen in a long time!»

16 +1 catue 4 weeks ago

«So tired of seeing people trying to break up fights in which both people want to fight.

The fights that actually deserve to be broken up are ones where one person DOESN’T want to fight.

0 +1 Essohbe 4 weeks ago

«@catue that chick was stronger than the two soimen»

14 +1 ringza 4 weeks ago

«Soy ass libtard teachers no wonder there is a school shootings they know the teachers are cucks bitches.»

3 +1 Don_lon 4 weeks ago

«All that time and energy and not a single punch landed. Seemed staged almost in a frantic speeded up way. Even the way the female teacher easily held him back…»

8 +1 SexyNative 4 weeks ago

Ok, retard!

8 +1 Isbe43 4 weeks ago

«These little vaccinated freaks are a new kind of crazy»

22 +1 ShallowGrave 4 weeks ago

«Yay diversity.»

48 +1 dingus369 4 weeks ago

«They always break it up when the white guy is winning»