«We don't tell them not to fuk goat's do we.»
German Woman Harassed and Threatened for Not Wearing a Hijab in Public
«Extremism is fucking retarded no matter what religion it is, No one have the right to harasing others because they did something that he thinks is wrong, He's a fucking retard and he's going to burn in hell he's not even religious probably some Pakistani extremist. fuck this! »
«If your police are to corrupt to protect you then the men in your families should get pieces of steel, cut it and sharpen it into a swords and go out and murder the animals that assault your people. Fucking destroy your enemies or they will destroy you! If you're much stronger then them and you don't have to use a weapon then go out and stomp on them until they can't bother anyone for awhile. Stop being so God damn domesticated! You're so fucking weak that im starting to think you deserve to be destroyed by the fucking Muslim dogs. Every man should be trained and armed for battle and every extended family should have at least one man who's specifically trained to be a warrior. The lack of strength in your community disgusts me.»
«The Nazis worked with the Muslims during WW2 so why should this shock anyone now? Oh that's right... You don't know history»
«You weak ass Europeans can't fight and you don't have a right to beat arms. I'm not going to feel sorry for you anymore. You're allowing evil to thrive because of your stupidity. You are as evil for enabling them as they are for assaulting you. The only Western nation that matters is the United States of America.»
«Yet to see a two stone muhammed confront anybody other than a 4 stone wet through girl. Fucking malnutritioned race of pedos»
«This immigrant needs the beating of his life,then sent home in a coffin.»
«Whenever i see this i can only imagine Barbara Lerner Spectre speaking about the joos leading role in turning european ethnic societies into multi cultural societies.»
«Because she doesn't believe in their bullshit religion. why must she wear a Hijab? I'd wipe my ass with it»
«This should be legal grounds to literally draw a handgun and fire a clean round right through the nasal cavity
Fuckin animal ass fucks need extermination, very badly»
«Control freaks usually have inferiority complexes. In this case, it's a whole ass backwards civilization.»
«It's obvious this man has an inferiority complex,
possibly as a result of erectile dysfunction.»
«All countries with open borders is a crime by government against the people’s of that country.»
«Yeah its really believable not. I travelled through london many times and usually dressed a lot more skimpy than this woman. Never once got harassed by anyone beyond what is expected. Mostly it was hindu indians and black men who would make lewd comments. While maybe some muslim men disapproved, non said anything to me. Did have a muslim woman walking with her kid approach me once and asked why I was dressed like I was on sale. I just replied to her asking why she had a towel over her head considering it was summer and hot. That pretty much sums up my experience.
If this video is genuine and not staged, then guessing she found either a crazy or an admirer who has incel level of social skills approaching women. Also he does not even look or dress like the typical middle eastern or north african. He looks more like he is from Chechnya or somewhere. Notice he is about as white as she is.»
«Because with them uncovered he can barely stop himself from losing control of his urges and raping them. But really they're safe, they're more than 8 years old.»
«Just put a red hat on him, and instantly the right will support the guy.»