«Girls are more nasty then guys today»
Tall Blonde Completely Destroys Her Prettied up Opponent
«Both are chav underclass. I carry a tactical EDC pen made by Smith & Wesson, in case I ever encounter some drunken lout like the blonde in video. That way I would not have to break a finger nail in defence. Apart from a blackthorn walking stick, a tactical pen is probably the only thing you can carry legally in UK, since even pepper spray is banned. I am not an old woman so the walking stick would look a bit more out of place Good luck to the prosecution trying to prove I had a pen for another purpose other than writing, if I ever had to use it to defend myself.»
«Science and religion are not at odds. Science is simply too young to understand.»
«UK always had a peasant scum class. Just they used to know their place. Giving them the dole meant they no longer had to scrape sewers or scrub floors for pennies to feed their families of 12, giving them the delusion that they were equal to their more educated superiors. And time to shoplift to pay for clothes they have no business wearing when the electric bill is on the final demand. "Wot u fink yur be-ur den me yoo aint be-ur den me" you hear them cry from their council estates. People knock the covid vaccine, it was actually an anti stupid vaccine. Anyone with an IQ of more than 30 knew to steer well clear of that. Dumb chavs were lining up for it, and fucking good riddance.»
«Most of the manlets here are too short for the tall blondes. Dream on.»
«Pink bitch thought it was a game....game over!
Molly got whopped....»
«finally a girl that can throw a fucking punch and not just that lame-ass shit»