«To top it off....ahem! I reckon his head landed facing his freshly decapitated body! I wonder if he saw it? ????»
Is this Working? man's Head Popped Off from RPG
«Lmao and people think China can win A war against America with equipment like this»
«The cost of a replacement launcher is coming out of your pay, soldier!»
«soory M'am your son died today and in tribute to him we will post the horrific video online»
«I slowed it down ainediting software to super slow motion and zoomed in. The explosion had nothing to do with his head coming off. Unbelievably the explosion made the actual RPG launcher spin clockwise and smash him on his right jaw on the neckline and baseball batted his fucking head off.»
«That head popped off like a cork in a bottle of fine champagne. One of the greatest videos I've seen!»
«Did he do the inspection and reassembly and now gets to test his prowess?»
I would be like the other 'soldiers' and stay wayyyy far back from that idiot.
He at one point was almost pointing the business end of that thing at his face!!»