«that must have hurt»
Gymnast Breaks both Legs during Competition
«When you find out you are inferior to average people learning new tricks»
«I had a few ankle sprains too. If she got up and walked iff she might be ok.»
«Her father should have made her practice with two broken legs. He won't make that mistake again»
«Gotta love these flexible fucktoys. Look what she made me do, she made me solid as a rock!»
«Blame the coach, she should have never been on that mat. Coaches can identify athletes prone to hyper extension of the knees and locking them. This should have been trained out of her long long ago. I taught BMX stunt for some time, as soon as I saw that knee lock I took that person off and had them do knees bent exercises till i felt they got it out their system.»
«After watching her knee bend backwards on the landing, he said, " I think she may be hurt" ??!!
Duh! Think so Einstein??»