Guy Proves COVID Tests are Fake and Meant to Skyrocket Numbers to Manipulate You All.

:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
Duration: 9:59 Views: 3.5K Submitted: 1 year ago Submitted by:
This concerned citizen proves how a hotshot COVID test can be manipulated to boost the numbers so the governments of the world can scare the population into submission.
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:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
0 +1 Nutmeg50 1 year ago

«Outside of seeing a discolored tip, which I've never seen in any kit I've opened, I got lost in this video, and had to have mercy on myself and stop it at 5 minutes. Sorry. I got bushed with a lot of.....whatever it is I just watched.»

2 +1 Jazzstrat57 1 year ago

«That "Hoax" killed 1.7 million people worldwide, pretty powerful Hoax»

5 +1 cpartida 1 year ago

«There is also a large number of food products that can force a false positive on tests. Try the tests with a drop of regular Sunkist soda.»

8 +1 ZeitgeistTruth 1 year ago

«I remember when I went for my first test at a drive-thru. . I had my camera ready but they didn't notice. I pulled up show them my number asked for a receipt or a piece of paper to show the serial or batch number of the test kit so that I could refer to it in case there was some type of anomaly. He then explains to me that the kids do not come with a batch or serial number. He reaches into a pocket with a gloved hand and pulls out some Q-tips that are rubber banded together with one Q-tip on each end. He then breaks the Q-tip in half shoves the other half in his pocket uses the remaining half to swab my nostril. Then shoves that Q-tip into a unmarked plastic vial, screws the cap on says that's all. He then proceeds to walk back towards the building. As I go to adjust my mounted camera two or three people step in the path of the camera intentionally and say no filming. Mind you I'm inside my own car in a public parking lot. They then quickly ushered me out of the parking lot but as they were doing so I saw him take the test tube that he shoved the Q-tip in and throw it in a trash bin just as he walked in the building. When I went to check the camera as I got off of the parking lot my phone had died. I should have actually came with a fully charged phone but I was kind of in a hurry and things were quite hectic waiting in line for over an hour and a half.

Now follow me to the second day when I call them back and ask for the results of my test and they tell me that they have no way of tracking it down that it was done by an independent company that conveniently no longer existed as when I tried to contact their phone number it was out of service. Two weeks later I received a phone call from the clinic that sponsored the drive-thru telling me that my test came back negative, surprise surprise. I then asked which batch number was attached to my test so that I could write that in on my insurance form and again they reiterated that the tests were completely Anonymous and not linked to any serial or batch numbers. How exactly do you match it to me then I said the lady laughed and said you're not the first person to ask that question and then she hung up. When I went into my doctor's the next day I asked for a copy so that I could give it to my employer and they just had some flimsy sheet of paper with green marker in a yes check box saying that I was tested at this site and that the result came back negative. There was no other identifying information on the paper not even my name.

Out of my own curiosity and through the kind donations of friends and family members I acquired a handful of free test kits. One day I sat down and used 10 of them all blank I set them all up I did not swab anything five of them came back positive five of them came back negative. I repeated the test a few days later five of them came back positive three of them came back negative and two of them faulted.

Come to your own conclusions people pull your heads out of your asses and DO NOT COMPLY!!!

Think of this after the initial few weeks of testing well after the 72-hour. Of typical symptomology expression many more people who were completely isolated began testing positive even though they had had no contact with anybody whatsoever no mail no grocery store no family no friends. Some of these were even people I knew who lived out on 10 acres in the middle of f****** nowhere. How does that happen?