FULL: Psycho Woman Stabs Man in the Heart for TALKING to Her Boyfriend?

:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
Duration: 2:00 Views: 10K Submitted: 1 week ago Submitted by:
What a lunatic?! Hopefully she's in a Cell right now
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:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
1 +1 Cool1 5 days ago

«Genocide on white!»

2 +1 Jelenic 6 days ago

«45 seconds after being stabbed he fell down
and 13 seconds after sitting down..
Its crazy that he was standing, thinking and talking and 13 seconds later he was gone

1 +1 ZYXWTUVSRQ 6 days ago

«Evidently stabbing someone in the heart isn't that big a deal in Brazil.... Good to know....

Any MAGA fuckbois, especially the raging bigots, wanna take a trip to Brazil? I'll chaperone.

1 +1 Pigsbloodprojectile 1 week ago

«Looks like Five-Point-Palm Exploding-Heart-Technique.....»

0 +1 Dupek47 1 week ago

«8-)"I'm getting better":P»

14 +1 Katrilly 1 week ago

«Damnn dying by the hands of that short wearing fat fuck toad»

18 +1 Sterling101 1 week ago

«One minute you’re here, blink, and then you’re dead - all from an innocent chat and a female with unchecked emotional instability. Hopefully she was arrested and charged with murder.»

5 +1 YerAllPuussiesFr 1 week ago

«I'd have unloaded both my clips on her fatass real fast»

6 +1 AHappyMan 1 week ago

«she should receive an equal penalty.»

14 +1 LouSaneous 1 week ago

«Knowing what she did... if that was me I'd spend every last breath killing her on the spot»

3 +1 CupidStunt000000 1 week ago

«@LouSaneous yea, of course you would sweetheart»

7 +1 SicBoy 1 week ago

«Fuckin cockroaches. Trump should nuke them for their own good.»

1 +1 tommix1 1 week ago

«Eventus stultorum magister»

13 +1 Mic7411 1 week ago

«what a stupid and ignorant bunch of chickens... It doesn't seem to bother them at all that someone was just stabbed in the heart.»

14 +1 Doctor_Clot_Shot 1 week ago

«Fat, stupid , ugly and psycho! Stab it with it's own knife till it stops being psycho.»

33 +1 Sneezy 1 week ago

«The man who died after being stabbed in the chest by a woman at a beverage distributor was identified as Anderson Luis Baldin, 42 years old. A security camera recorded the moment of the crime.

Woman kills man by stabbing him in the chest.
The incident took place in the early hours of this Saturday (1st) in Cascavel, in the West of Paraná. In the images, it is possible to see the moment in which the woman stabs the boy in the chest.

Anderson Luis Baldin tried to resist, but ended up falling soon after and died at the scene.

According to the Catve portal, witnesses reported that the woman, approximately 30 years old, appeared distraught. The suspect was arrested in flagrante delicto.

Case investigation
Delegate Fabiano Moza, from the Homicide Division of the Civil Police of Cascavel, who is investigating the case, reported that a witness stated that the victim and the perpetrator of the crime did not know each other, and that at no time was there an argument.

“A witness, who was a friend of the victim, reported that the two were at a liquor store and met the alleged perpetrator and her sister and went to another store, where the events occurred. He also reported that there was no disagreement. The only thing the victim did was put her hand on his friend’s cap and tell him to leave, and at that moment she pulled the knife out of her bag and struck him,” he explained.

According to the police chief, the suspect said she acted in self-defense, but the images show otherwise. The woman was placed in preventive detention and is in the Corbélia Women's Public Prison, at the disposal of the courts.

1 +1 Dupek47 1 week ago

«@Sneezy The suspect was arrested in flagrante delicto? The slapped the cuffs on her while she was engaged in sex?»

1 +1 Dupek47 1 week ago

«@Sneezy The suspect was arrested in flagrante delicto.??? She died fucking?»

14 +1 LionsDen 1 week ago

«Here's the info. I had to do the job the poster couldn't do ????????


It's in Portuguese, just use translation.

1 +1 LionsDen 1 week ago

«Where did this happen? What's the information about this story? Link it.»

1 +1 LiveLockAndLoad 1 week ago

«Who's gonna try fix her then guys haha»