«What in faggot shit is that effeminate fucktard screeching about ?.»
We have a serious mental health crisis in the United States.
«Going to have to hold on to the Guacamoles you have stuffed in your rectum, price just quadrupled!»
«Jimbob says lungs like that give what fer suck startin a leaf blower.»
«when are democrats going to finally realize they are the party of the mentally ill,and the rejects of society,no normal people like these nobodies.»
«Thank the LEFT media.
I'm so embarrassed to say this, but I was helping my sister last weekend and notice she was really upset. She said eggs are going up because of the Trump tariffs LOL!
I didn't even explain how the news lies. She watches MSNBC.....................»
«Dude is fully clothed. Has a car. All of his teeth. Seems to be in good health.
Can't see that life is good.»
«the self-infatuation is really cringe. not to mention fucking pathetic.»
«Yeah, tell me about it!
America creates problematic people! It's not a healthy country!!!»
«Liberalism is a mental disorder. One day, hopefully in the near future, society will deem this so.»
«Look at the freaks that mainstream media panders to. No survival skills - just sheep mentality»
«The type of person that you enjoy hearing about that was killed by a group of skaters.
Even the parents would be a bit relieved.»
«This is the kind of "voter" who can suck a golf ball through a garden hose. Take your pills, move to Canada, get a haircut and a job at construction.»
«Wow, Hunter Biden is letting his hair grow, or is he transitioning? Temper, temper, he must have lost his blue cocaine...»