«This retard dyke is Ultra hideous, with a brain to match.»
Palm beach gardens officer fired after drawing pistol on swimmer.
«What would this bitch be without the power of the government and a gun. Same question for all cops. They wouldn't be shit.»
«police forces need to purge these disgusting dykes out of law enforcement,they always have penis envy.»
«guess what, she was reinstated at the same department, and works there today! seriously. justice?»
«Rampaging lesbian lunatic. Now it works at mcdonalds. " do you fuckin' want fries with that you punk??!!"»
«I bet her Eagles and Melissa Etheridge CD collection is OFF THE HOOK!»
«Ready for this one... Officer PenisEnvy was hired back on the force in August.»
«TBH, I would've just shot him just to get him to Shut the Fuck Up Already !!! and let the tranny cop-lady say why she did what she did.»
«Knew this one would be trouble months ago.. maybe a year.
Trannies do this… they have this misconception of what the other sex is, and they try to imitate it… miserably, and often fall back on their natural behavior.
This one? Might’ve been an angry lesbian.»
«If you Google that lesbians are identifiable physically it's actually a scientific fact. I thought I just had good gaydar»
«Her wife must have been so happy that her butt-plug did not come out during this arrest...»
«lesbians..hate men but do everything they can to look like one. This is how they all act wether in law enforcement, fire dept, or any place where they think they have some power.»
«What fucking retard thought it was a good idea to give this gross dyke a uniform and a gun»
«Dykes are soooooooo NASTY! Message to all retarded dykes, YOU ARE NOT MEN! .stay the fuk away from men's jobs!»