«for some reason, I don't think he only wanted water...»
Brutal Shotgun Execution of Man who Just wanted Some Water
Duration: 1:19 Views: 14K Submitted: 1 week ago Submitted by:
English translation: "I'm going to fetch water, it is water that I'm going to fetch"
Extrajudicial Execution of a Civilian by Nigeria Security Force
Extrajudicial Execution of a Civilian by Nigeria Security Force
Categories: Crime & Lawlessness War
Cope_libtards 1 week ago
«I am triggered by this. In 1973, me and my classmate, through unicef, raised cad $2,500 to help nigeria access clean water. We worked hard, just a bunch of white kids. Fast forward to 1997, i bought a well for a village in Africa, cad $1500. I cant imagine a society where they kill people over wotta. They truly are living in the stone age. I think its time that the rest of the world turned their gaze to africa.»
Mic7411 1 week ago
«Oh, there are plenty of others in Nigeria. And with the hole in his face he looked better than before.»
Jessica-NL 1 week ago
«Keep the borders open and just take more of these highly educated people in...»