«Turn the music back on, I was listening to that!»
Instant Karma: Thief enters Store to Find Security Guard waiting for Him with a BIG Gun
«Satisfying... That dumb ass couldn't even reach infront of that counter.. lol»
«Ha ha ha ha ha i only get to hit them with a hammer but i love his attitude»
«I love this,he should have waited a little longer so he could blow away the other guy too.»
« first 2:20 could have been edited out, It's a 30 second video, the rest is just music that isn't my cup of tea
«This is in Texas, they only do business through the window after 7 pm. If he had been a trick-or- treater he made out pretty good and one for his accomplice.»
«That guard has been waiting many years to finally show his guarding abilities! KUDOS!»
«fast forward about 2 minutes and 20 seconds if you want to see it or you'll die waiting.
I really enjoyed the extra love taps from the hero as the scum was dragging his paralyzed lower half.»
«Did something happen ???
I fucking fell asleep waiting for something to go down.....
Learn to edit your vids please ...»