«If he wasn't wearing ear buds, he wudda heard car cumming and jumped outta the way like a grasshopper, BOINK! And he's half a block down the road, safe and sound. Unless he jumped into the windshield of a car.»
FULL: Man Gardening goes Out Final Destination Style
Duration: 1:12 Views: 9.0K Submitted: 1 week ago Submitted by:
A security camera recorded the moment when a private vehicle lost control and crashed head-on into a sidewalk, running over a person who was doing gardening.
Bellybutton 1 week ago
«Someone get his head out of the fan belt, it’s making a huge noise very irritating.»
Bigsir 1 week ago
«OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH FFFFFFUUUUUUUXXXXXXX! i usually love these video's, But this 0ne, i feel bad for the guy. »
Cripple 1 week ago
«8 years of meticulous plant grooming gone in split second !!
I need to show this to my wife everytime she wants me to trim the hedges !!!
Perfect example of "What's the point?"»