«Considering how much asian's don't like each other you would think someone there would have cut her head off»
Maniacal Girl in the Movie Theatre...
«I could not go to the cinema for 10 fucking years and the day i do i guarantee this fucking thing is sat on the row behind me»
«This is why retards were kept in the house before current woke times.»
«That's how the chinx show movies? With lights on? Is their fat dictator scared they'll plot against him in the dark?»
«They should have taken turns testing how hard you have to strike her to render her sleeps»
«That crazy woman really smoked and put LSD in her eyes that made her have orgasms in her mouth and laughter in her pussy. greetings from Argentina ????????»
«Don't let anyone tell you what is or is not funny in a movie.
For some that Ben Stiller is still a laugh riot.
Not to everyone else obviously, but this bish appreciates it so let her enjoy her 4 dollars worth of heeb humor.»
«id scream too if i had to sit through that crap on the screen ... but not like that freaked out bitch»
«Big deal, its only one woman.
Sure beats 3 ratchets, 2 coalburners and a ghetto thug, halfway through a matinee on a sunday afternoon.»