«Imagine if war was a contest to see which side can startle the other more.»
Terrified Ukrainian People going to Doctor's are Shelled by Cluster Munitions
«These people are Russians in Donbas not Ukrainians. Fake Jewish propaganda. Ukrainians used cluster ammunition against Russians.»
«How is possible that in the year 2025 people can’t find better ways to resolve conflicts?»
«these cluster munitions are dogshit. literally dropped on top of them and they're still alive.»
« Do you want conscientious objectors? Because that's how you get conscientious objectors... and ants. Definitely going to have ants.
«Why were they going to doctors? Before the firecrac kers went off they looked healthy. Why sooo scared of firecrac kers? No crater, no bomb. A nice day for a walk. That park needs more hotdog vendors.»
«More of the Russians killing Russians conflict. Now the US and EU need to send more money to Zelenskyy...»