«If you can it's better to go out shooting back at the coward Khokhols.»
American Journalist makes GRISLY Discovery. Entire Russian Family Massacred and Dumped in their Basement by retreating Ukrainian Killers
«but the gay reddtior shitlibs keep insisting they're the honorable just ones»
«Russians are inhuman scum, vermin must be consistently fought and eradicated, otherwise it leads to disease and death, like the plague.»
«All i see weak faggots. This is what they get for supporting a bald old midget. They are doing worst stuff in Ukraine»
«Ukraine has always been a NAZI shithole that before the war, was known for child porn, prostitution and drug manufacture. They were rich for the CIA pickings. Unfortunately teh CIA coup backfired and Russian pre-emptivey invaded Ukraine to stop the possibility of Ukraine being armed by the US. Ukraine is getting exactly what they deserve. Just waitig for Putin to bomb Keiv back to teh stoe age. So far he's left the historical Keiv alone. Just wait.... soon.»
«Ukraine started bombing and killing citizens in 2014 in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of eastern Ukraine. This is nothing new for them. They are Nazis and have to be stopped. Putin was not wrong to attack them.»
«Excellent. Great work. They voted for this. Leave Ukraine and the pain will stop. Russians are genuinely stupid.»
«Huh, an American journalist reports truthfully in Russian-controlled territory under the supervision of Russian soldiers???? Well, that doesn't sound sensible....»