«We ain't gonna call ice on you dont worrryyyy we gonna empty our magazines on you»
ARREST HER: Georgia Cop Makes Social Media Post in Spanish Telling Illegals Cops Won't Report Them To ICE
Veronica Arnold: “We are not reporting or calling ICE to tell them that we are with an undocumented person.”
“Even if we find an undocumented person we are not calling we are not helping, or reporting you.”
«It is out of context: she explains what is the local police roll in the deportation job, it is not a local police assignation, it is ICE’s work, and ICE police doesn’t work for local police, it is an independent so people shouldn’t be afraid of local police. Thats her message»
«Good for her!! Fuck all the magats that want their kids doing the jobs illegals do because the pay is so low no one else would take the job.»
«she lost her job.
an illegal alien is by definition, a criminal, because they are braking the law by being in the USA ilegally.
yeah she's hot but unfortunately not too smart...
reason 273,294,385 to deport all illegals.»
«Oh no, somebody call the waaaaaahhhhhhhhmbulance lol. This is so funny hearing all the whining and crying from you bitter sounding net tards. This officer told only the truth. The police are not required or expected to work with ICE on anything. She is explaining exactly what all departments across the country are practicing so the community understands what's going on. That's all. So simple to understand yet so hard for the brain deads on here to understand such a complicated explanation. She did nothing wrong. Also, she is hot, so stop pretending you losers wouldn't hit it. Have a great day.»
«That's fine you worthless pig fucking doughnut chaser! The citizens can call the cops on criminal illegals, Then when you refuse to do anything they can call ice. Then lawsuits will come knocking on your door and you'll be fired. Just give it a bit longer and when the cops refuse to do their jobs they'll get swamped with lawsuits and then will comply with ice. It's what happens folks. The cops have to have lawsuits pile up before they actually do their job. The cops are pretty useless.»
«Neighbor of mine recently found out one of her tenants was running illegals thru her property. Local cops told her they would roll by but wouldn't stop or actually do anything. She called the tenant and told her she was on the phone with ICE and they were headed to the house. Lol was like watching roaches scatter when the lights come on. One of the idiot younger girls was hiding behind my other neighbors garage »
«I hope somebody shoots her in the ugly goddamned face. Take all of her documentation, shove her across the border and tell her to not come back unless she wants to die.
But no... that world would be too perfect»
«I wish I was on the left cuz it's so easy to look virtuous. Just say FUCK ICE or FASCIST NAZI and you look like you're standing up for the poor and needy. When in reality the USA is in no place to be helping other countries or nationals when we have such serious financial issues. We simply don't need more poor uneducated people flooding in»
«We await the video of her ass in jail for aiding and abetting . Buenos tardes amigos.»
«She is right and this has always been the case as long as ICE has existed. The local police, nor the state, nor the FBI, nor anyone else interferes with the work of ICE, and vice versa. Basically because it does not correspond to them and they are different jobs in each police force.
She only says that she is not going to report anyone because that is not the job of the police, and it is true, and much less does she know about ICE's work agenda to interfere with their work. The same thing happens in any job.. mind your own business in other words.»
«Well that fucking cunt can go to Mexico with the rest of the pieces of shit, since she loves them so much.»
«Time to ship all you illegal white people to Europe! Give this land to the Native Americans! Fuk every single Maga scum Pedophile russian agent! A good Maga is one 2 feet under, Enough for maggots to chew and dogs to dig!»