«What song is this?!?»
Female Soldier Begs the Drone Operator to Spare her Life. He isn't Persuaded.
He isn't persuaded.
Drone hits her and explodes. She initially lives and attempts to crawl to cover. 2nd munition finishes her off.
«This is just wrong, Putin is a pussy, why is he not out there fighting, very entertaining though»
«Drone was most likely being driven by some dickless Ukranian coward whose whole family will be raped and killed by Russians.
The sooner the better. Fucking Ukranian shits.»
«That war should have been just women against women, with feminazism and all this shit, we would have had hilarious moments, like this one.»
«These have to be isolated knuckleheads.. She had so much civer to evade that drone.. As a professional recliner enthusiast, I would have had no problem thwarting that POS drone, Or she should have flashed the operator her Cock»
«the soldiers die, the noncombatants die also and suffer, the arms manufacturers grow rich and the politicians also scrape some money off the top... ho many schools would this have built, how many hospitals, old age home and retirees and veterans... Billions and billions.. for almost no end... and like WW1,,was it all worth it... and just leaves growing hatred all round that lead to more and more conflicts and wars... ww2 was justified, and we only realy found out at the end why... when this war ends, what horroes will be unearthed and published...»
«In a war there is no mercy even with women, when there is war everyone kills each other. Now in my personal opinion they are all crazy, especially the governments that wash their hands afterwards. and second, the one who controls the drone is a fucking faggot, son of a bitch. nerdy virgin»
«Not practical to flash the tits with that gear on, but she certainly could have flashed the snatch and butt.»
«Drone operators are the biggest cowards that has ever slid from Satan’s hairy ass.»
«End this fucking War. This is disgusting. I have seen these drone operators playing with their prey like cats. No humanity!»
«I translated her sign language. It ment ´drop me a dildo, willya? , if not, get the fuck out of here!´
They missunderstood her completley.»
«my grandfather British Army won the Military Medal during WW1, due to a most chivalry by the germans. He drove his ambulance, though the german lines to the German Rear, and ordered the german guards of some wounded British prisoners to put a group of wounded British soldier in the back of his ambulance, and then drove back. His captain had him tied to the wheel of a cart for 4 hours, field punishment No. 1. for disobeying an order not to do such. (I believe he had done it before). his commanding general awarded him the military medal. in a war where thousand could be kill a day. once a soldier was wounded he was treated most humanly and with honour... this killing of the soldier once she was wounded a war crime. no justification at all. and people who dismiss it but fund it are moral bastards that dont care about rights or wrongs. the soldiers are 'nothing' it is about East Vs West. the people who did this dont deserve to be funded... Zelensky is prepared to fight to the Last American dollar. it is Humanity that is dying in this war.»
«Now we know why Ukrainian troops aren't taken prisoner. The warmongers all deserve to be executed»
«There are dozens of video showing male soldiers begging drone operators to spare their lives.»
«It would be better if she went to Europe and became a prostitute there, as almost all ukrainian women do :эммм:»
«Ukrainians are evil fags that need to be exterminated even the little children »
«Amazing how differently men a women process things.
A man....as we've seen from many videos like this would run.....they know what those things can do and will do. Women/Estrogen thinks it's going to reason with the drone or person operating it? Did she think she would get some sort of favoritism or special privilege like she's use to with SIMP's? Maybe she thought the operator was a SIMP and she could use typical female nature of rejection and go away on him?»
«Hiold on, Do I get the point right?
She came to Ukraine to earn much money killing peaceful people of Ukraine and now she asked Ukrainians for mercy to go on murdering ukrainian people for money? it is wow.»
«Why she just standing there like she’s yelling at a group kids on her lawn? May as well try n hide instead of just standing there hoping the drone operator is a nice guy»