«A scene soon to be played out in numerous American streets
as Trump's America slides into inevitable decline. A once
great country now ridiculed by the rest of the free world. And
why for the first time you'll see American citizens crossing the
border into Mexico for safety and security.
Two Tranny Hookers Beaten by Customers Who They Didn't Tell They Were Dudes.
Duration: 1:14 Views: 6.4K Submitted: 3 weeks ago Submitted by:
talk about false advertising!
half.wombat.4444@maildrop.cc 2 weeks ago
EarlyC 3 weeks ago
«I could tell they were dudes even from this camera angle!!! Them customers had 2 b shitty drunk!!!»
46HIALEAH46 3 weeks ago
«Poor Mike Obama, now he/she is forced to work on the streets in Latin-America...»
Hackintosh 3 weeks ago
«There was two trannies in my hometown in my teens back in the 90s. They would take advantage of drunk men at the park gambling playing cards. Both of the trannies ended up stabbed to death and their house burned down.»