«This is yet another of the forewarnings of Trump's America.
A total lack of political moderation and rigged jurisprudence
will soon bring Trump's America to its knees, and leave it as
the laughing stock of the Western world.
And all because the orange fat boy lied each and every day
to a gullible American population.
Bring Back the Mental Institutions Immediately!
«Why are all security guards surrounding the loud, fat, retarded thing sooooo old? Throw a box of exlax and some dentures across the room and they'll all go scurrying after it, wagging their colostomy bags.»
«Old guy next to him Where we go wrong in Education That's why Free Education is Important»
«the true face of the democrat party and it's disgusting and mental.»
«Sometimes shit just speaks 4 itself...Trans fucktard got a little hangrey!!! Give him a snickers & a lobotomy!!!»
«Fine looking gaggle of freaks!
Army of the 12 bunnies or the peoples liberation front of Palestinian fagonistas ??
IDK, I’m hungry for a quadruple whopper! Fuck!»
«Liberals made these mental patients think they mattered.
Make Mentaly Asylums a thing again. Frontal Lobotomies are the cure for this illness.»
«have to have tow truck to drag the fat fuk out.
would give it a shot . just for shits and giggles.»
«You can't even refer to them as a freak of nature, because nature provided a perfectly formed male , which then later in life decided to mutilate itself. It's a freak of science, like Frankenstein. You might be able to chop this off and stitch that on, or vice versa, but you can never change what nature intended you to be, and when they dig up your bones they will say "this was a male". The problem isn't what is or isn't between their legs, it's what's between their ears. Mental health issues»
«And they wonder why people mock these mentally ill, attention seekers who've all come out from the cousins basements. I'd have just tasered him for peace, and yes it's a him not this nonsense of it.»