The Loony Left is Melting Down over Trump only Recognizing TWO Genders... LOL

:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
Duration: 0:59 Views: 11K Submitted: 3 weeks ago Submitted by:
What are your thoughts on the recent uproar from the left after President Trump declared that there are only two genders?
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:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
2 +1 essence25 2 weeks ago

«That is what a tool of the WEF looks like. Schwab & Larry wants them to identify as anything they want as long as they don't multiply.»

2 +1 ELSHABAH 2 weeks ago


3 +1 wrath04 2 weeks ago

«I give you: The Party of Science, folks! Enjoy the next 4 years, hope your confusion clears up soon!»

1 +1 wrath04 2 weeks ago

«She woke up at or around 1pm? Fuck shim!»

0 +1 Disknave 2 weeks ago

«I don't even watch these videos, why would I?»

3 +1 eXgotas 2 weeks ago

«"Trans community"... it should not exist at all!»

2 +1 MisterProgneto 2 weeks ago

«These people must be committed and history must erase them.»

9 +1 Farva 2 weeks ago

«newsflash its not just the next dour years. you crossed the line and pushed too hard. we are sick of you.»

6 +1 munwon 2 weeks ago

«bitch shut up! suck my cock and make me a sammich»

3 +1 Jasondr91 3 weeks ago

«This is what happens when Shaggy comes across some bad dope. Get's him paranoid and jittery. Rambling on about incoherent nonsense.»

13 +1 Malahk 3 weeks ago

«The mentally ill need eradication ASAP, all the relitards and dismorphic lunatics will be fine fertiliser»

21 +1 3 weeks ago

«It has nothing to do with president, he merely reiterated a scientific fact.»

10 +1 WessyD 3 weeks ago

«take those piercings out, die your hair a normal color, put some nice clothes on and maybe a man will want you. stop pretending like you didnt want it to begin with.»

2 +1 Crepuscular 3 weeks ago

«I say there is a 3rd gender ... pronoun is IT ... and they should have their male and female organs cut off / out»

8 +1 cy4ka 3 weeks ago

«In my country we toss them off rooftops. If they live they get to be whatever they want.»

8 +1 Bikerholic 3 weeks ago

«Body Dysmorphic Disorder, aka BDD. It is a mental illness. Sometime, they will exemplify character of delusion of grandeur, a complete disconnect with reality and can be both physically and verbally violent if you don't participate with their delusion.»

1 +1 Hackintosh 3 weeks ago

«@Bikerholic made up bs. Its called depression and demon possession. Nothing else.»

3 +1 McBLOB 3 weeks ago

«2 thoughts.....
1 Eugenics
2 harvest its organs and send remains home to mother.....

9 +1 ScottNW63 3 weeks ago

«We can only hope history 'erases' you. Another mother who should have had an abortion.»

6 +1 usernamewasalreadytaken 3 weeks ago

«Put this fucking discarded Bratz doll back on the assembly line.»

7 +1 fordmadion 3 weeks ago

«looks like an australian scumbag.»

7 +1 Quint_Beastwood 3 weeks ago

«Kill it! Erase that waste of skin asap!»

3 +1 VectisMatt 3 weeks ago

«I dunno. I see the simple sense in it, but I don't really mind or care how people choose to live. The pendulum hasn't finished swinging yet...»

12 +1 SicBoy 3 weeks ago

«Go hang yourself you stupid cunt.»

10 +1 Pietpiraat 3 weeks ago

«Please erase them!»

33 +1 Swerty 3 weeks ago

«There are two genders. One goes
to a gynecologist, the other goes to a
All the others should go to a psychiatrist.

4 +1 Liberaltears 3 weeks ago

«Please get vaccines and boosters»

9 +1 lordzedd 3 weeks ago

«You're hurting the country by making us into a mockery.»

12 +1 KMA8675309 3 weeks ago

«There ARE only two sexes. Male & Female. If you want to play dress up, have an "add-a-dic-to-me" or a "chop-a-dic-off-of-me"
go ahead, but you are still the sex you were born with!

8 +1 tommix1 3 weeks ago

«They always cite fear and insecurity when it's actually disgust they inspire.»

16 +1 djcumshooter 3 weeks ago

«Welcome to reality. The truth hurts but it's true. You're a woman, end of story.»

10 +1 EarlyC 3 weeks ago

«Even tampon Tim would tell u 2 suck it up buttercup!!!»

5 +1 Nightrider2.O 3 weeks ago

«Why do I get a boner when I see someone like this?»

3 +1 fordmadion 3 weeks ago

«@fordmadion. fuk off freak .»

25 +1 DINKSTINK 3 weeks ago

«Guess what bitches you're the time of playing make believe and wanting to be cartoons is over get that shit off your face and grow the fuck up»

21 +1 Dr.Dip 3 weeks ago

«nothing has changed . you are a girl and can still call yourself a man. we just don't have to buy what you are selling.»

10 +1 Salinan 3 weeks ago

«Yes history please erase»

23 +1 1Connman 3 weeks ago

«That's right, the adults are in charge again. Seek help for your mental illness.»

13 +1 BigDipperandthe4seasons 3 weeks ago

«We recognize your community, we recognize that y'all are metal ill and need help»

12 +1 Dupek47 3 weeks ago

«Reminds one of PULP FICTION where Travolta asks, "Who's the chick with all the shit on her face?":sick:»

4 +1 HankyPanky58 3 weeks ago


30 +1 Mdunphy 3 weeks ago

«Burn them and anybody who sympathises with them. Your new pronouns is they never was»

9 +1 LionsDen 3 weeks ago

«@Mdunphy they never was indeed. These people are mentally fucked.»

15 +1 YerAllPuussiesFr 3 weeks ago

«People are literally never going to stop giving stupid fucks this attention. I didn't even watch this and I know it's stupid as FUHHH. As is literally any video of someone recording themselves.

It's amazing the type of stupid shit people will sit there drooling over their phones at

0 +1 Dupek47 3 weeks ago

«@YerAllPuussiesFr In a blue state this not-giving-two-fucks process will take longer. Just go into any pot shop and look at the decor. Left as fark.»

14 +1 kokoki9 3 weeks ago

«fucking sick people shit»

17 +1 Hackintosh 3 weeks ago

«Erased. Bye :D»

21 +1 46HIALEAH46 3 weeks ago

«Please start a gofundme for this he/she so "it" can be sent to Tehran or Gaza...»

3 +1 Dupek47 3 weeks ago

«@46HIALEAH46 She'll get all the pole&hole she needs there fer sure»

14 +1 sirmrmikey 3 weeks ago

«'Ya got no dooins, you're a female, end of conversation. You want to be called a male, dress like a man, cut your hair like a man and squeeze the boobs in but bottom line on the're a woman.»

2 +1 Dupek47 3 weeks ago

«@sirmrmikey I'd take her to Skid Row and turn her out. Let the bums gang fuck her like Bonnie Blue.»

1 +1 Amine666world 3 weeks ago


16 +1 Nutmeg50 3 weeks ago

«These are foolish people who have been blinded by satan and they have been given over to reprobate minds to do those things which are unseemly! Their fall will be great and without remedy. Although there is still hope where there is life, they will not listen because they do not WANT to listen. Therefore, God will leave them to their free will and their choices, and those choices will drag them into the abyss at the apointed time.»

3 +1 Sweetums 3 weeks ago

«@Nutmeg50 Take it to church, weirdo.»

1 +1 Hackintosh 3 weeks ago

«@Sweetums you will bow to God»

2 +1 Sweetums 3 weeks ago

«@Hackintosh I will never understand you people that WANT to be subservient simps to a fictional thing. Goddamn, son, grow up.»

0 +1 Hackintosh 3 weeks ago

«@Nutmeg50 exactly. Amen»

1 +1 Dupek47 3 weeks ago

«@Nutmeg50 Islam is the answer to her problem.»