Ashley Hays Has Controversial take on Trump Not Putting Hand on Bible.

:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
Duration: 3:40 Views: 8.2K Submitted: 3 weeks ago Submitted by:
Again, swearing on the Bible is sin. “Above all, my brothers and sisters, do not swear—not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. All you need to say is a simple “Yes” or “No. Otherwise you will be condemned.” James 5:12 Others swore their hands on the Bible and DID ONLY EVIL
Categories: Conspiracy and Truth
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:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
2 +1 LouSaneous 3 weeks ago

«Who cares where his hand is? He said the words and raised his right hand. Good enough.»

1 +1 zeegatorz 3 weeks ago

«Another Maga pedo video. A good Maga is one that is 6 feet under!»

0 +1 Cope_libtards 2 weeks ago

«@zeegatorz well we are not, as a matter of fact we won the election. You are thinking of palestinians.»

1 +1 MossadDestroyer88 3 weeks ago

«Here comes the progressive Christians. Likely doesn't like him because "racism" is the ultimate sin.»

2 +1 McBLOB 3 weeks ago

«It was a Trump Bible, he did'nt want to touch it.....»

2 +1 SicBoy 3 weeks ago

«His loyalty is to the zioscum cocksucker filth. He only swears on the Torah.»

1 +1 MossadDestroyer88 3 weeks ago

«@SicBoy false. It's them kissing his ass»

6 +1 IRGC 3 weeks ago

«omfg who gives a shit, it is a meaningless fictional book»

2 +1 Rigel 3 weeks ago

«@IRGC all religious books are works of fiction.»

0 +1 Doctor_Clot_Shot 3 weeks ago

«@IRGC filled with lies»

7 +1 W1zard0f0h 3 weeks ago

«Why don't you call the manager, Karen.»

17 +1 fordmadion 3 weeks ago

«dumb bitch,everything the democrats have done for 4 years is evil,you have no IQ.»

8 +1 ScreaminMime 3 weeks ago

«She needs to pray that hairline comes down a few inches.»

7 +1 KMA8675309 3 weeks ago

«No, it was because his wife was behind a bunch of people, couldn't make it up there and Justice Roberts started the swearing in, before she was
able to make it up there. But, go ahead with your stupid theory.

2 +1 tommix1 3 weeks ago

«If the "Real" bible was there, it would be too heavy to hold up for long, over 90 books instead of 12.»

0 +1 Doctor_Clot_Shot 3 weeks ago

«@tommix1 the "real" book of lies. Hohoho»

9 +1 Salinan 3 weeks ago

«who cares fuck off get a life»

0 +1 Cope_libtards 3 weeks ago

«@Salinan ^this^»

8 +1 Rich7361 3 weeks ago

«She will be single for life!»

3 +1 FuckAmericanWhacks 3 weeks ago

«its funny, if biden had done this, the god fearing christians would be all over him for it. not a very good look. and he obv did for a reason, just what was that reason? something good im sure.....:getlost:»

0 +1 nightmanlol 3 weeks ago

«@FuckAmericanWhacks did you not listen to the video? sounds like people are all over him over this. crazy the bending of reality because it sounds like a good talking point in your head.»

2 +1 FuckAmericanWhacks 3 weeks ago

«@nightmanlol synagogue of satan»

0 +1 nightmanlol 2 weeks ago

«@FuckAmericanWhacks can you even explain what you mean by that or how your reply relates to my first reply to you?»

8 +1 Sbarllush 3 weeks ago

«fuckoff idiot...searching bullshits to invent....»

6 +1 Alexbc 3 weeks ago

«How about you get ya fucking tits out and ill put my hands on dosee! Ooooh»

4 +1 lordzedd 3 weeks ago

«The first amendment says he doesn't have to.»

5 +1 Sneezy 3 weeks ago

«The TDS is still flowing through the veins of many.»

1 +1 Cope_libtards 3 weeks ago

«@Sneezy yea...but it really doesn't matter.
If they aren't part of the solution, they're part of the problem.

5 +1 Stemroach 3 weeks ago

«Religious Obsession: A persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often-unreasonable idea or Doctrine ultimately leading to A warped Perception of Reality»

10 +1 Jessica-NL 3 weeks ago

«The tears from the left are very bitter...»

2 +1 Hackintosh 3 weeks ago

«He still could of forgot though. It could of been on accident. However this does look bad.»

9 +1 Cope_libtards 3 weeks ago

«Trump cant please the malcontents, big surprise.»

1 +1 FuckAmericanWhacks 3 weeks ago

«@Cope_libtards what, by not doing what EVERY OTHER PRESIDENT, including himself, HAS DONE BEFORE?»

1 +1 Cope_libtards 3 weeks ago

«@FuckAmericanWhacks the bible is a fairytale that people tell chrildren to frighten them into behaving. Good for him.»

0 +1 Doctor_Clot_Shot 3 weeks ago

«@Cope_libtards book of lies, for retard s to believe, hohoho»

5 +1 pissonit 3 weeks ago

«He knew it would burst into flames»

0 +1 Cope_libtards 3 weeks ago

«@pissonit ...If he had the power to do that, i think that would have been like nothing anyone would have seen. The skys would have split open.»

15 +1 Cripple 3 weeks ago

«He did on his first inauguration.

There were 2 being held by Melania, a Bible that was given to him by his grandmother and the Lincoln Bible which resides in the Oval Office.

I am a believer, but these religious nuts read way too much shit into EVERYTHING !!!