«A rabid capibara ?»
What the Heck Kind of Creature Just Attacked This Woman?
«capybara that was supported by the democrat party. Mostly peaceful.»
«Capybara read a fucken book.
"Car shit on by some kind of flying creature!"»
«She woulda been shit outta luck had it been a giant river otter. Jaguars don't even like messing with them.»
«That's a Capybara, I thought they were the most chill animals on earth.
Are we sure it was attacking and not just, trying to get a hug?»
«It’s a fat Brazilian water rat, also known as a fat Brazilian water rat. Jesus Brazil is a shithole.»
«It a giant rat. seen one at the trump rally. Old don carnival barked me in to see it for a dollar. FN conman! but yeah it a male capybara.»
«It might be a capybara. I saw one when I was in Brazil. We were just walking next to some deep river and it just came swimming by very calmly, diving periodically. We thought it was hunting for fish. It dived once and we never saw it pop back up so it probably just swam underwater somewhere farther away.
I also saw marmosets, right in the middle of the huge city Rio, which are like squirrels with the heads and faces of monkeys. They're like a nightmare.»
«They are actually rodents related to beavers but are classified as a fish by the Catholic church so the faithful can eat them during Lent.»