Newscum Says the Quiet Part Out loud “We already have a team reimagining Los Angeles 2.0” 15-Minutes Cities!!

:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
Duration: 0:12 Views: 6.8K Submitted: 4 weeks ago Submitted by:

said re: his “Marshall Plan”:

“We already have a team reimagining LA 2.0.”

WHAT? He’s ALREADY had that team. Pre-fire. This means no single family zoning, public transit for ALL, equity/climate/DEI agenda.

We need new leaders, not a new LA. LA isn’t perfect but it’s just FINE. It’s NEWSOM who’s responsible for many of our problems. He’s the LAST person to fix them. And no he’s NOT using the loss of much of LA as an opportunity (as he did with COVID) to create a “new normal.”

YOU weren’t elected to reimagine ANYTHING. You were elected to keep us safe (failed), manage our taxes responsibly (failed), educate kids (failed)…

Your term is over, either by resignation or recall. Either way, pack your bags. ????
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:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
8 +1 phergus 4 weeks ago

«Newscum and all his wealthy elite corrupt woke minions are a cancer upon America.»

15 +1 fordmadion 4 weeks ago

«This creep is a whack job,I don't know anyone that moves like that when they talk.»

13 +1 RandomTruth 4 weeks ago

«All by design.

I bet if Biden or Newscum spits in Democrat's face, they ask for more.

9 +1 legal_alien 4 weeks ago

«we need numbers on the % of Jeish burned home per capita :alien:»

0 +1 essence25 3 weeks ago

«@legal_alien That would be -1.»

20 +1 nyclposter 4 weeks ago

«People have died and thousands lost all their worldly possessions and this fucking scumbag has the fking nerve to say this?? Damn, man, this is just straight up evil.»

10 +1 rdavid 4 weeks ago

«No one in their right mind will live in LA again.»

11 +1 tommix1 4 weeks ago

«Yep, said it days ago. Gayvin's big real estate swindle. Catch him offsides and sanctify him.»

14 +1 RandomTruth 4 weeks ago

«Trump was right.»

9 +1 RandomTruth 4 weeks ago

«Here is the truth.

12 +1 ELSHABAH 4 weeks ago

«Commiefornia and this parasite deserve each other.»

16 +1 LiveLockAndLoad 4 weeks ago

«Remember when you got called a tin foil hat wearer for talking about oprah buying all the land last time haha. The 15 min cities are real too»

2 +1 RandomTruth 4 weeks ago

«@LiveLockAndLoad Karen Bass involved with M19, M19 had plans with 15 min cities for many years, destroy and rebuild. McCarthy received an email in 2022 on them building TWO 15 min cities with IKEA contract for 10,000 kitchens. C40, COP29, Democrats, China, WHO, WEF, Bill Gates, Biden's, Obama's & Clinton's. True fuckin evil. Open borders, DEI, push out the American people for loyal citizens that don't speak English.»

1 +1 LiveLockAndLoad 4 weeks ago

«@RandomTruth You seem smart, What are you're thoughts towards the fact these same assholes were the ones to lead both our countries to Iraq,Syria back 20 years ago. Most of it for oil or some other bs agenda. Go on youtube, new vid out of 2 firefighters of 9/11 confirming during the fact that industrial level charges went off on the lower floors. Uploaded a day ago i think»

21 +1 prince of trolls 4 weeks ago

«This guy is too excited about it. It's as if all of this was discussed way before the fires started. There is a group of a certain people behind all this madness. You know who they are.»

10 +1 Dr.Dip 4 weeks ago

«the greasy grifter has spoken.»

16 +1 Quint_Beastwood 4 weeks ago

«This p.o.s. liar is worth less than the sticky crap I scrape off my shoe.
What's up with all the ghey hand signals and shit? Like he's about to bust out some sign language.
He's a repulsive lil bastard, isn't he.

7 +1 Mdunphy 4 weeks ago

«Don't build wooden houses this time.»

10 +1 The_Carcass_Kid 4 weeks ago

«Nice green screen.
It's all planned.

0 +1 Stemroach 4 weeks ago

«@The_Carcass_Kid Conspiracy Theory: A persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often-unreasonable idea or Doctrine ultimately leading to A warped Perception of Reality»

1 +1 RandomTruth 4 weeks ago

«@Stemroach C40, COP29, DEI, China ,Obama, Soros, Karen Bass with M19 long term push for C40 aka 15 min cities. Ghana. Same framework strategy use like in Maui, with water EQUITY belief and shutting water down. Thanks to Kaleo & Obama. Most DemoRats work for China, WEF, WHO. Using disease and weather manipulation to fast-forward the goals. Illegal migrants are imported for cheap labor and future votes. FEMA is involved, and all using a special murder tool called DEI. It's used in every field. WE AND YOU ARE BEING REPLACED. The goal will be achieved by 2030, MAYBE 2050 the latest. People will be living like hamsters. McCarthy has an email stating the goal from TWO 15 min cities in Ukraine with IKEA contract of 10K kitchens. Destroy & Rebuild. & Control.

Wake the fuck up.

0 +1 RandomTruth 4 weeks ago


6 +1 CreosoteHead 4 weeks ago

«LA is the worlds 3rd largest Choo community, after Israel and NY.
Pick your own punchline.

23 +1 46HIALEAH46 4 weeks ago

«Land grab time...»

2 +1 RandomTruth 4 weeks ago

«@46HIALEAH46 Damn straight.»

2 +1 tommix1 4 weeks ago

«@46HIALEAH46 I hope every property owner drags it on till Gayvin's roomy asshole prolapses.»