«she was blinded by the lights she cant be this dumb. Y'all american or what ? oh you are sorry»
Clueless Blonde Reporter thinks Mountain Lion is a Dog on Live TV
«Being such a fool probably saved her from a mauling... the beast did not sense fear.»
«That's the exact reason you can't trust reporter's......... They don't know what the fuck they are talking about.»
«She was half blinded by the bright lamp glare in front of her. She cant see the animal clearly and just assuming it was a dog.»
«This old debunked shit again? This happened in 2018 and it was a dog. The Utah Division of Wildlife examined the paw prints and they were K-9, they also found the dog.»
«and to add to the other valid points people made, her stupidity also saved her because of the fact she didn't realize there was d4nger, therefore she didn't give off an aura of fear, which can be sensed by predatory animals and can send them into attack mode!»
«The animal felt no threat or fear, and walked calmly on its way without disturbance. He didn't even stop!
It would be wise not to panic when the animal is not in a wild mood.»