Pin: No One Covering This: Trump promised Yesterday to Disclose what the UFO Drones Are ON DAY ONE. Other Governors Speak up about Sightings over their States

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Duration: 2:10 Views: 10K Submitted: 4 weeks ago Submitted by:
TRUMP: "I'm going to give you a report on drones about one day into the administration because I think it's ridiculous that they're not telling you about what's going on with the drones."

President-elect Trump is vowing to provide the public with transparency on the recent uptick in mystery drone sightings, suggesting information would be available “about one day” into his second term.

“I’m going to give you a report on drones about one day into the administration,” Trump told a room of Republican governors at his Mar-a-Lago resort Thursday evening. “Because I think it’s ridiculous that they are not telling you about what is going on with the drones.”
Categories: Biblical War
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:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
0 +1 republicansnowflake1 2 weeks ago

«Big shocker he said something that wasn't true again! who would have expected that he wouldn't have released shit on day one except everyone that isn't brainwashed by the magat retard cult»

1 +1 wrath04 2 weeks ago

«@republicansnowflake1 If he didn't have so many things to fix that you fucked up, he might have the time to do this. You would complain either way though, just like the lefty nut job you are.»

0 +1 Dupek47 3 weeks ago

«Drones are classified top-secret:ermm:»

3 +1 Haywood Jablomi 4 weeks ago

«By the number of democrat bots in this comment section, I can tell they're really fighting to stay relevant»

6 +1 CHENANGO 4 weeks ago

«Whoever posted this.... you are truly dumb when you believe anything a felon says»

0 +1 tommix1 4 weeks ago

«The entity referred to as "they" should be defunded till their asshole prolapses.»

4 +1 Wavemak3r 4 weeks ago

«The Mar a Lardo will declassify UFOs that Killed JFK and Elvis, oh and made Melania do Nude photos»

0 +1 Dr.Dip 4 weeks ago

«biden's puppet masters nothing to worry about. trust us we are the government.»

33 +1 46HIALEAH46 4 weeks ago

«China moved them back to their secret lair. Joe O'Biden and Cametoe Harris were such a great asset for China...»

4 +1 tommix1 4 weeks ago

«@46HIALEAH46 Slow Biden got more money from the CCP than he ever made as a senator, vice or potus combined.»

3 +1 graphicism 4 weeks ago

«@46HIALEAH46 Countries are fake. Animal pens for the plebian. Globalists run the world.»

5 +1 dingus369 4 weeks ago

«@graphicism There is a big difference between Mongolia and Missouri, they are not just lines on a map.»

0 +1 Dupek47 4 weeks ago

«@graphicism Head buried in burning sand»

18 +1 graphicism 4 weeks ago

«You're fired!

Trump, Biden, Harris, Obama, Clinton, Bush, Putin, Zelenskyy, Netanyahu, and all the rest of em; All work together.

Democracy is a reality TV show for the plebian.

6 +1 tommix1 4 weeks ago

«@graphicism There is only one political party in washington, the corporate party. The rest is a divisive shit show.»

1 +1 Dupek47 4 weeks ago

«@tommix1 AIPAC is a lobby group with erogenous reach. And it is only one of the largest out of a thousand more. Bleeding cash.»

3 +1 Meanbean2013 4 weeks ago

«@graphicism I been around since Lyndon and Ladybird. Its been the same circle jerk since then. Now they just don't bother hiding it, and why should they. All these stammering mongoloids fight with each other day after day while the ultra wealthy rake it in and tell us everything is the other sides fault and these nob jobs believe it.»

1 +1 M.Bird 4 weeks ago


4 +1 Mic7411 4 weeks ago

«Before the election he also wanted to end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours. Now it's been at least 100 days. What a crazy, narcissistic idiot.»

12 +1 Murrain666 4 weeks ago

«@Mic7411 that's because the Biden Administration (globalists) are sabotaging peace. They profit from war off of your tax $$$. Biden just sent billions of aid over there right before he steps down.... he is a piece of fucking trash for that. Nobody is going to win that war and millions of young people are being maimed.... it's horrible.»

0 +1 republicansnowflake1 2 weeks ago

«@Mic7411 I'm sure if you go talk to some brainwashed trumpers they will tell you he already ended the war in Ukraine.»

8 +1 TEAM America... 4 weeks ago

«Since trump was found to have a secret chinese bank account, you'll see more drones over military bases.


5 +1 M.Bird 4 weeks ago

«How do you know when a politician is lying?
Answer = When they open their mouth

2 +1 tommix1 4 weeks ago

«What are these fudge packing washingtonite queers doing? I will definitely fuck your drones up when I have a firing solution. Whoever comes to pick up the pieces gets a size 13 up their ass.»

1 +1 Hackintosh 4 weeks ago

«Fire planning»

1 +1 Salinan 4 weeks ago

«i think it must be Amazon delivering packages»

4 +1 OrangeDump 4 weeks ago

«trump does not know ANYTHING about US-economy. Amazon and others have a big fleet of delivery-fleet of drones.
But for trump they are UFO's. Worst businessman of our time. Total moron.

22 +1 SmartOP 4 weeks ago

«@OrangeDump You ignorant moron. Amazon drones are only authorized in three states. Texas, Arizona, and California. And any unidentified flying object is just that, UFO. And what have you done in life to succeed? Trump became a billionaire and US president twice.»

19 +1 Murrain666 4 weeks ago

«@OrangeDump you sir.. are a dummy dick. Those are not fucking amazon drones, they are coming out of the ocean and shit. I bet you voted for Joe Biden, didn't you. Just come out and say it so then your words will be worth shit and all will laugh at you! muahahaha»

28 +1 fordmadion 4 weeks ago

«The democrats are finished and won't be elected for a long time now.»

15 +1 Murrain666 4 weeks ago

«@fordmadion yeah they are fucked... I just fear they are going to do something very terrible because they know they are facing serious punishment for their crimes against humanity.»

0 +1 republicansnowflake1 2 weeks ago

«@fordmadion Just wait until these clowns completely wreck the economy, prices are about to get a whole lot worse for you poor bastards. I hope you also enjoy paying 50/mo for your mail delivery subscription from Amazon after they privatize every single government service they can to line their corporate buddies' pockets with Tax payer money. You fucking morons all fucked us good this time around.»

8 +1 Mark_ey 4 weeks ago

«Trump is a conman he promises a lot but delivers nothing»

9 +1 Teeben 4 weeks ago

«Because it's bullshit, and he's a lying crook»

10 +1 deadtedw 4 weeks ago

«He's such a massive lying shit stain of a human. He won't get a damn thing because he'll be too busy golfing.»

5 +1 kansaiking 4 weeks ago

«@deadtedw lol....tds»

0 +1 republicansnowflake1 2 weeks ago

«@kansaiking hurrr duurrrr tds hurrrrrrrrrrrrr stupid brainwashed cunt.»

9 +1 Dendrophilius23 4 weeks ago

«Can't wait for his promisses turn into massive pile od crap AGAIN! :P»

1 +1 Pablocoo 4 weeks ago

«Next, Sherlock and Dr Watson will be chasing parked cars»