«Lol for you kids that weren't even born before cell phones or police cams. Back then they only had to look to see if anyone else was watching. Total violation»
What do you think about this Police Procedure?
«I get that it's a female offi er, but when it's a bulldyke what's the difference?»
«Pulling down the short and the panty to see what’s under, would be better since she wouldn’t have to touch her skin. Just touch fabric with two of three fingers.»
«Sometimes female cops aren't available to do this shit, which would be so much sexier»
«I mean, I believe the "fat pussy" answer, and quite honestly I'd like to see it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯»
«Her end zone has seen more baby daddy black cocks than an NFL end zone»
«They're going to strip her down in intake anyway, let them discover it [with warning] and add another charge.»
«If you ever want to be able to molest people without them being able to do anything just start working for the police or tsa.»
«That fat arse p*ssy has seen more black dicks than a public urinal cake. »
«There was a female to search her but she had to give micro dick a little action. Now he touched a girl!»