«Psycho? That's OVER 100% phucked up! Needs to be removed from this planet and shot into the sun to give a billionth of a second of warmth to Earth.»
PSYCHO Woman Attacks Her Husband..the Bus Driver
Duration: 1:22 Views: 5.5K Submitted: 1 week ago Submitted by:
In Adana, a woman attacked her husband, who was going through a divorce and claimed that he did not show her the child, on the bus he was driving, biting his arm first and then stabbing him. Those moments were recorded on a security camera. The woman, who was caught by the Seyhan police , was sentenced to house arrest.
Categories: Extreme Fights, Brawls & Protests
Starsailor 1 week ago
«Sentenced to ' house arrest ' ? I guess that driver will get it again soon then - she REALLY wants that knife in»