«I'd try it if I was dying.... because hospitals failed to help...what...now 14 members of my family.
They all wither away after paying millions to try and survive.
I'd just step up and help society on my way out. Fewer love that chicken peeps and I'd make sure to record it.»
Mel Gibson Drops 2 Medical Bombshells on the Joe Rogan. Prepared to have your Mind Blown.
«I love that the Democrat bots flock to JR videos to mumble something about orange man.»
«Mel Gibson is totally gone. If he wasn’t rich and famous he’d be sleeping under a bridge and talking to himself all day.»
«Is it just me or is Mel nuttier than squirrel shit? I mean look at those eyes! Poor ol’ dopey , gullible Joe is mesmerised by the nonsense and lies spewing from Mel’s lips.»
«Just hope he uses it when it's his turn. Wait and see what happens in reality.»
«Damn I want to try the dye but what if your just a regular healthy person will it make my piss blue? »
«Methlylene Blue, get a free bottle with every third order of Joe's mushroom brain pills!»
«The Aussie is quit strange, and sometimes make good considerations. Yet it is hard to get past some of his lunacy...»
«American are lucky to live till their 30 with the idiots running the show here now.
taxed till your dead and then some.»
«My 93 year old father got Covid early on. He asked his doctor to give him ivermectin and the doctor refused. He sourced it himself, took it and recovered. His doctor got Covid, refused ivermectin, and subsequently died. He was 30years younger than my father.»
«Hey doc, it hurts when I pee, write me a prescription for Hydrochloride something or other.»
«Get your body alkaline, avoid sugar, increase Vitamin C, use dendelion root and reduce your stress. You can easily incorporate these into your treatment. (((((Why is "D*n" as forbidden word?))))»