L.A Fire: This is like a bad parody of a disaster film.
«.....Love it.
California has officially achieved 3rd world status. They fucking deserve it. DEI/LGBTQXYZ#? your way out of your shitty decisions. Who are you going to blame California for your own fucked up choices? What's the explanation for this video? Not enough DEI? Not enough fags on in the department? Are you going to blame the fire and shitty training/lack of equipment on lack of fags or is it a race problem with not enough DEI? The fire hoses are patriarchal and look to much like dicks.....that's sexes so we don't use them here? Bags look more the pussies....empowerment!!!!»
«Actually, I have seen this before. They are running out of water and there is not enough water pressure in the lines to use the hoses, but there is still some water left. These MEN are heroes.»
«The Truman Show simulation has been modded. Swapped hoses for handbags, very funny Nexus, very funny!
When things fail, burn it down! Its the Kosher thing to do!»
«Don't worry folks. Rethuglicans are going start helping any second now.»
«Product of LA mayor cutting funds for fire department and hiring DEI female LGBTQ fire chief who's primary goal is diversity.»
«I never in my life being in politics and searching for Evil recommend anyone to not vote for a certain party, but I can't hold it in anymore PLEASE STOP VOTING DEMOCRAT. Your decisions affect all of us.»
«Hard working men brought you this country and it was given away to DEI animals that belong in a zoo more than our society.»