«WAIT A MINUTE ! I don't see a bag for him to carry all his loot, robber?? Maybe he was placing hidden cameras in the toilets to see if the kids were flushing too often and wasting water.»
Man trying to Rob a Preschool Cuts his Neck and Bleeds to Death
In an incident that has left the local community in shock, an unidentified thief tragically lost his life after an attempted robbery at a preschool in Puerto Cabello, Carabobo state. The discovery of the body, in an advanced state of decomposition, has sparked widespread interest among the media and the public. This event, which reveals both the risk of crime and the fatal consequences of crime, opens a debate on security in educational institutions.
«He was going to steal all the erasers, to fix all the problems in his life.»
«I can't figure out what exactly happened? Did he get like guillotined? I was thinking he used the bucket to get into the window.....»
«Leave him there to teach the kids that this is what happens when you commit crime and it would make a great halloween decoration.»
«Did the villagers take the body into the street and beat it with sticks to teach him a lesson? »
«If the body is in an advanced state of decomposition that means it's been dead a while. How long do they let a corpse rot in a preschool before they grind it up and turn it into soylent brown?»
«I have edited your description to beore accurate: "which reveals both the risk of STUPIDITY and the fatal consequences of STUPIDITY"..»