«God they are so dumb!»
Instant Justice in Syria. Militants Killed by Rocks from their Own Missile
Mission failed successfully
«So... a broken camera equals "being killed" on TWW now huh. I don't see any blood, no bodies, no aftermath. Just a shit video of flying rocks. May as well post this on CNN »
«Hahaha I grew up in a small town blowing shit up with nitroglycerine. ALWAYS be away of what is in the ground you are blowing holes in. These boys failed to notice that half of this areas ground was compressed bricks from previous wars.»
«Right through the sun roof! Haha
The irony of dying by rock when using modern weapons isn’t lost on me.»
«LGBTQP+ have volunteered to baby sit the Syrian fighters children. More importantly, the drag-queen bedtime story indoctrination community are on their way...»
«Islamists? Both sides are Muslim.
Rebel forces have now taken over the entire country as Iran pulled out all Hezbollah Fighters.»