«Not 1 person there checked for a pulse? CPR? Mouth to mouth?»
Young Woman Killed on Motorcycle Split her Pants
«They'll just leave her like that for a month and use her ass cheeks as a bike stand»
«I dont think they were split by the accident. I think someone did that right afterwards... »
«As bad as I feel for her, I bet she thought she was so cool carelessly zooming around on her motorcycle without a helmet and most likely her phone was involved during her escapade which led to her slamming into a vehicle. These videos are cautionary tales to me. Since becoming addicted to this website I am one of the most careful law abiding safe drivers on the planet. There is also no doubt I will ever ride a motorcycle again as I used to be that person who would drink, then carelessly speed around on my motorcycle with no helmet on. Let's all learn from this tragedy and be safer more alert human beings.»